The Only Legitimate Framework

Quote of the Day

This court is not interested in the outcomes of single cases alone. The conservative majority has greater ambitions: to impose its conception of the Constitution as the only legitimate framework within which to interpret the law.

Caitlin B. Tully
June 25, 2023
Rethinking the Liberal Giant Who Doomed Roe

She says this as if it were a bad thing. And, in my mind, how could it be legitimate any other way?

I am reminded of Lewis Carroll’s Humpty Dumpty:

When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.

And that is why the political left is so upset at the current SCOTUS. The political left is intent upon being the master of all and if the U.S. Constitution were to be interpreted as written they would have, comparatively, no power.


6 thoughts on “The Only Legitimate Framework

  1. The article just before this one is another good example of that same way of thinking.

  2. “This court is not interested in the outcomes of single cases alone. The conservative majority has greater ambitions: to impose its conception of the Constitution as the only legitimate framework within which to interpret the law.”

    “NO NO !!!!! That’s our job. Only Leftists are allowed to impose their conception of the Constitution as the only legitimate framework within which to interpret the law.”

  3. Good comments all!
    Like Roe V Wade wasn’t the communists. “to impose its conception of the Constitution as the only legitimate framework within which to interpret the law.”
    The truth the communists try so hard to hide is that only one CAN rule. Diversity is not our strength, in a legal sense. (It’s hardly one anywhere else either.)
    And the job of the SCOTUS is to protect the constitution for us all? Not just individual cases?
    Communists would just weaken our resolve with doubt enough to take over.
    That’s why they will have to be crushed. Because their plan is to crush you if you don’t.
    I just wish they would come up with better arguments. Their crap is silly/insane/backward/stupid. It’s embarrassing, but they don’t seem to have a sense of it. So, I’ll feel embarrassed for them. Damn!

    • I’m willing to feel embarrassed for them, too. But only after they lose the arguments!

      • They already have lost all the arguments. It seems their inability to admit it is the problem.
        Imagine fighting for a cause that would line you up and shoot you faster than the people your fighting would.
        Communist modelled mental hell-th.

  4. I’m willing to feel embarrassed for them, too. But only after they lose in court!

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