Tweet on July 17, 2022 by The Redheaded libertarian @TRHLofficial:
The democrats run a doomsday cult and I’m gonna break it all down for you. Walk with me.
1. Authoritarian yet Charismatic leadership structure Obama repealed Smith-Mundt, made it legal to detain American citizens indefinitely, & banned protesting government sessions which paved the way for the controlled demolition of the economy. BUT LOOK AT HOW RELATABLE THEY ARE
2. Deception in recruiting. Go ahead and join up and then tell them you think there should be limits to abortion and sexually transitioning children. Tell them communists aren’t people. I’ll wait.
3. Use of thought-reform methods You know like struggle sessions for 6 year olds and diversity training for the military and nominating biological men with penises for women’s awards while forbidding the questioning of any of it.
4. Isolation (physical and/or psychological) Mask up. Stay home. Save lives.
5. Demand for absolute, unquestioning devotion and loyalty
Check these fundraising emails, jabbed 4 year olds and STAND WITH UKRAINE.
You must pay heavily and support the current thing to show loyalty to the party.
6. Sharp, unsurpassable distinction between “us” (good) and “them” (bad) They leave that to the media. DJT is the best example.
7. “Inside language” that only members fully understand Here is a list of their pronouns, the connection between CRT & Marxism, and a link to 33 pages of Critical Race Theory vocabulary.
8. Strict control over members’ daily routines While it’s a gentleman’s agreement that Democrats wear masks, love abortion, and drive electric cars, policies derived from The failed Green New Deal aim to control & limit people via taxes & regulations from mileage to consumption.
9. Scripture “[insert party platform] is a human right.” “Our democracy is at stake” “Diversity is our strength” “Post-Roe world” “Credible evidence” “Putin’s price hike” “No one needs and AR-15” “Meaningful gun reform” “Common sense gun reform” “Abortion is healthcare”
10. Group thought All Thought is lead by Hollywood, big Tech, Big Pharma, universities & politicians. You are allowed to dissent in approved topics, but not in others. If you disobey, and question the forbidden, they will have you kicked out of the public square indefinitely.
11. And of course, the Day of reckoning. This all needs to have a deeper meaning. Climate change is their second coming but the dates keep passing, so the leaders will create new dates until eventually, everyone puts on their Nikes and drinks the koolaid together.
The observation I found most telling was the last one. It is like a new example for the book When Prophecy Fails — A social and psychological study of a modern group that predicted the destruction of the world (emphasis added):
Suppose an individual believes something with his whole heart; suppose further that he has a commitment to this belief, that he has taken irrevocable actions because of it; finally, suppose that he is presented with evidence, unequivocal and undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong: what will happen? The individual will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before. Indeed, he may even show a new fervor about convincing and converting other people to his view.
There is something wrong with these people.
Prepare and respond appropriately.
“There is something very, very wrong with these people.
Prepare a̶n̶d̶ to respond appropriately.”
An the most amazing part is everything the communists are doing is comparatively recent history.
And almost everyone has access to that history at their fingertips. It’s not like those 100’s of millions of deaths everywhere from Russia through to Cuba are some kind of state secret.
But as you point out Joe, that just makes them more fervent.
Unfortunately, it also makes Francisco’s correction an imperative.
Off to the reloading bench with me!
“There is something wrong with these people.”
Yes, it’s the old mindset of the Dark Ages, which in turn is a conglomeration of the more ancient Roman, Greek, Medo-Persian and Babylonian precepts, traditions, customs, philosophies and pagan religious worship. It is important to understand the characteristics of each of those ancient systems, because only then can one understand, and to some extent predict, the behaviors at work in the world today.
That conglomerate Dark Ages power held sway over much of the world for over a thousand years, and the only known (demonstrated) antidote to it was the Protestant Reformation. Nothing regarding the Dark Ages power mindset has changed whatsoever. What we can see since the emergence, in earnest, of the Reformation is that the old power was questioned starting with Martin Luther in 1517, and eventually forced underground for a while starting in 1798, and was re-instated by fascist dictator Mussolini in the early 20th century. It has been reconstituted, and is now gathering its resources and its followers for a final push to control the entire planet this time.
Therefore all of the insane, idiotic and outrageous claims, assertions and demands coming from the global left are but the means to an end. The means can and do change as necessary, but the end is always the same. It is of course total power under an extreme hierarchical (god-king-like) system, even including the worship of the powerful, just like in the “good old, bad old” days of the ancient god-kings, and of papal rule (the elimination by intimidation, torture and death of all dissenters (“heretics”), the installing or removal of leaders by a central dictator, et al.
We know the history, we can readily observe the old mindsets, the current plans are laid out in detail and expressed openly enough by the planners, and one need merely choose to look and see them. Don’t be distracted by the various “current issues”. There’s only one issue and that issue is total power combined with total obedience and even worship. Once the basic plans are understood, the fact that the world’s leaders are all going along in lock-step with those plans becomes clearly observable.
And so, by now, I expect that most anyone reading this will have thought of some dismissal of it, such as “conspiracy theory” or etc., and that, ladies and gentlemen, is how it works. You’ll not believe it until it becomes impossible to disbelieve it, at which point of course it is too late.
I’ll further point out that, if you read carefully the Decalogue (KJV – a few of the other translations have been significantly altered), you will find that every clause of every one of the laws is, and has been, under specific and pointed attack. This should tell the astute observer exactly who the real enemy is in all of this. “Climate change” and “peace and safety” and “tolerance” and all the rest is just distraction. Ultimately the only thing they’ll tolerate is your complete and total submission to their authority.
Lastly, those who claim to have scientific minds would have no problem whatsoever with investigating all evidence, no?
That list in number 11 is amazing. I was aware of some of that but not all. And yet they redouble their efforts to get the laity to believe they are the high priests who know the future.
The Millerites in the 1840’s merely needed two disappointments to quietly slip off into anonymity. Perhaps it was because they only had their own money and respect to lose.