Quote of the day—Rogue Skillet an Robasdanach @ButtholeOutlaw

I don’t know who needs to hear this but your gun collection is not a substitute for your lack of assertiveness in the bedroom.

Rogue Skillet an Robasdanach @ButtholeOutlaw
Tweeted on March 16, 2022
[It’s not only another Markley’s Law Monday, it is another science denier!

Via a tweet from Law Firm of SolitaryPoorNastyBrutish&Short @AubreyLaVentana.

I suppose insults are better than nothing. But, it makes it obvious he has nothing of substance.—Joe]


5 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Rogue Skillet an Robasdanach @ButtholeOutlaw

  1. In this case the quote is technically true. A gun collection is not a substitute for bedroom assertiveness.

    The inverse is equally true;
    Assertiveness in the bedroom is no substitute for a gun collection.

    Adding, “I don’t know who needs to hear this” is to insinuate that there may be some people stupid enough to believe that one could ever be a substitute for the other.

    I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I don’t think it can be demonstrated that anyone ever actually believed that one could be a substitute for the other. Or to put it more simply;
    Citation Needed

  2. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but your small-penis jokes are not a substitute for your appalling ignorance about guns and gun owners.

  3. In passing: kudos to this particular Science Denier. Unlike many others, he found a way to insult female gun owners too.

  4. It’s just nice knowing that one lives in their head, rent free. It’s like roasting a whole hog in front of bound and gagged vegans.
    Half the delight of the dinner is knowing what they can never do.
    Owning gun in the middle of all them is much the same.
    Like most mentally insane, self-tortured people.
    It’s just nice knowing how impotent Mr. Butthole is.

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