Quote of the day—Andrew Kerr

The state of Washington told Black Lives Matter in early January that it must “immediately cease” fundraising in the state because of the charity’s lack of financial transparency, but it has ignored the order, according to records obtained by the Washington Examiner .

The Washington Secretary of State Corporations and Charities Division notified BLM in a Jan. 5 letter that it could face fines up to $2,000 for each donation it solicits and receives from Washington residents until it submits records detailing its financial activities . Despite the notice, BLM has continued to accept contributions from the state’s residents as recently as Monday evening.

Andrew Kerr
February 1, 2022
BLM fundraises in Washington despite order to ‘immediately cease’
[If the Governor Inslee administration fails to hold BLM responsible for these violations it will make their allegiance with evil clear to everyone. As it is the democrat voters give their own politicians a lot of slack. I don’t think they will do that for BLM on this issue.—Joe]

Update: I wrote the above on February 2nd before finding this article early on February 3rd:

Black Lives Matter shut down all of its online fundraising streams late Wednesday afternoon, just days after California threatened to hold the charity’s leaders personally liable over its lack of financial transparency.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita previously said BLM’s refusal to answer basic questions about its finances and operations fits a common and disturbing pattern.

“It appears that the house of cards may be falling, and this happens eventually with nearly every scam, scheme, or illegal enterprise,” Rokita, a Republican, said in an interview with the Washington Examiner. “I see patterns that scams kind of universally take: failure to provide board members, failure to provide even executive directors, failure to make your filings available. It all leads to suspicion.”

I did not expect that. I expected BLM would continue fundraising until people were actually arrested.


15 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Andrew Kerr

  1. “I did not expect that. I expected BLM would continue fundraising until people were actually arrested.”

    Consider this point: “…after California threatened to hold the charity’s leaders personally liable…”

    As soon as it became a threat to the leaders, as opposed to the organization they run or the minions working for them, they shut it down; not before. Which tells me all I need to know about the leaders’ intentions and true loyalty.

  2. The leaders intentions have pretty much always been known – witness the various regional chapter leaders who diverted BLM funds for their own personal gain. Not unlike Communist leaders with luxurious dachas on the Black Sea. For the people.

    Isn’t it somehow racist, however, to hold BLM to the same standards as any other registered non-profit?

  3. I guess BLM forgot to kick upstairs? 10% for the big guy, goes for all the big guys. (Sorry, for being gender specific ladies. Of course your included!)
    If you don’t know who the chief officers are. You won’t know if your taking money from the right person.
    This is beyond hilarious.
    Power, Money, Control. Use any two to get the other.

  4. Race hustlers are always in it for the graft, corruption, and personal gain. This is just a new name for an old scam.

    • The comment about Marxist leaders enriching themselves is spot on.

      Also, don’t discount government’s greed as well.

      I think, more than likely, they are nearing the end of their utility. Street enforcer groups like BLM, Antifa, etc. are always a victory or failure from a night of long knives.

    • They probably figured that “reverend” [sic] Al Sharpton has gotten away with this scam for decades, so it should work for them as well. And I imagine a lot of people were surprised when it didn’t work.
      Unfortunately, old criminal Al is unlikely to suffer any from this, though he should.

  5. The Washington Secretary of State Corporations and Charities Division notified BLM in a Jan. 5 letter that it could face fines up to $2,000 for each donation it solicits and receives from Washington residents until it submits records detailing its financial activities .

    If I were a Washington resident, I’d be tempted to donate. I’d throw in $100…

    … in $5 increments, across 20 unique donations.

    Turn my paltry donations into up to $40k in fines.

      • I’d drop the donation amount to at most $1.00. The transaction fee is going to eat up most or all of the donation and your $100 will potentially yield $200,000 of losses for them.

        • I thought about that — and I’m all for it — but a lot of online donations have a $5 minimum.

          But if you could drop it down to 100, $1 donations….


  6. No problem. They can open back up next week under another name, or under ten different names at once, or they can “write a book” and sell the books by the truckloads to the labor unions. Both schemes have been done before, and so it won’t even require the least bit of innovation. Marxists gonna Marx, no matter what. So long as they’re even remotely tolerated in society they’ll find a way.

    At most, this will be a minor inconvenience for them.

    George Soros could tell you all about how to do this, and how to get away with it for an entire lifetime, and at taxpayer expense (these are tax exempt organizations).

    • As in where is Barrack Obama’s, Acorn.org? Methinks them commies, they still be up to their same old tricks under a different name.

  7. Odds are the “fund raising” has only ceased temporarily while they do some legal wrangling to cover their asses….then it will resume.

  8. Prior to Nov. 2020, they were an asset. Now they’re a liability to the ruling party and it’s time for them to depart the stage. What we’re seeing here is BLM(tm) being “played off”. “Going to commercial!”

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