Quote of the day—Michael Z Williamson

One of my favorite gags is to point out to these very serious people posting these claims that their “reasoning” is based on magic. After all, the underlying premise is that the mere presence of a gun causes someone to kill or commit suicide. It’s as if they think people see a gun and are suddenly compelled to shoot themselves or someone else. The shaping of metal and plastic into a gun imbues it with magical powers that seizes the minds of normal men, causing them to go violently crazy.

Michael Z Williamson
November 1, 2015
Impractical Magic
[Via email from Jay Dee.

I also like Williamson’s “magical dirt” found in the same blog post.—Joe]


7 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Michael Z Williamson

  1. “Magic Dirt Theory” actually makes a lot of sense. Not in the way it’s used, in which getting the “bad kids” out of the “bad places” and into the “good places” (the ones built on the “magic dirt”) will immediately and automatically turn them into “good kids”.

    Rather, it’s more like this: In places like Utah (using Utah because MZW mentioned it), people put living plants in the “magic dirt” and — with a bit of care and nurturing — they grow and thrive. Kids play outside in the “magic dirt”, and — with a bit of care and nurturing — they grow and thrive and become productive people themselves … with strong immune systems, developed from repeated exposure to dirt.

    The places where people do poorly are often inner cities and other highly-urbanized areas. They don’t have the “magic dirt” available there.

    When you think about it, the urban areas really don’t have dirt. They are “dirty”, but it’s not the same kind of dirt; all their “magic dirt” — the kind the Utah people put plants in and let their kids play in — has been paved over, repeatedly. Real dirt is not available; only fake, artificial, magically-inert “dirt”.

    Therefore, I propose that the “Magic Dirt Theory” has some merit. Not necessarily because the dirt itself is magic (that has yet to be proved or disproved), but because the presence of dirt and exposure to it positively affects people’s development, and the absence of dirt negatively affects people’s development.

    (Disclaimer: This is entirely, 100% tongue-in-cheek, but it was fun to write. 😉 )

    • Why is it the Mexicans can drink the water, but I can’t?
      And why are only Africans “sickle cell suspects”?
      There’s something going on.

  2. Whoa. And all this time I thought guns just killed of their own accord? Kind of like SUV’s killing people in wrecks. There’s only victims in life.
    I’ve told liberals they needed to stay away. Because their ignorant blather was very offensive to my XD. And one just never knows how it will react.
    Got to love the magic dirt theory. If you show up, your American!
    The only good thing is clown world will prove to be short lived. No matter how bad it hurts.

  3. “Asparagus” got it right, in comments over there;
    “More likely, what’s behind it is a profound dislike and disrespect toward the people traditionally living in the suburbs. But Magic Dirt Theory provides good cover.”

    Or rather, “Asparagus” is on the right track, knowing that the stated rationalizations of the left have nothing whatsoever to do with the real reasons and goals. And it’s not “profound dislike and disrespect” either– It’s a white-hot, murderous hatred.

    The fact of the matter is that the shredded and pathetic remnants of the Protestant Reformation are still so threatening to Rome, even in their deeply compromised and ridiculous state, that they’re the target, and the goal is exactly that of ancient Rome; world domination, with total power, and the asserted ownership of all resources both natural and man-made. This includes “de-growth” (of the economies of the world, particularly of the Judeao/Christian West) and de-population.

    And, news flash: It will succeed. We are far too distracted with the various dialectics being strategically played out in media (right verses left, Republican verses Democrat, race verses race, class verses class, etc., etc., etc., etc.), and with our personal interests, to even see the nature of much less address the problem. Some have an inkling, most don’t. We’ll go down fighting over all the wrong things, against straw enemies. We’ll throw our wealth and energy in the form of support behind deadly enemies posing as friends, and so on, and on.

    Compromise*, we have been trained to believe, is the highest public virtue, when in reality it is the entire problem, for we could never have been overthrown without first being compromised.

    * (compromise of the fundamental Biblical principals, including the “perfect law of liberty”)

  4. The majority of people who align with “leftist” views are NOT particularly bright or rational. They EMOTE rather than THINK. So they fall into the “magical thinking” mentality where what they believe or wish is assumed to be true regardless of what
    any facts or evidence proves. Being overly emotional they allow those emotions to sway their actions. And they are afraid that if in the presence of a dangerous weapon they could not help themselves and would automatically use such a weapon to harm someone else…..and they assume EVERYONE suffers from the
    same lack of self control and rationality that they suffer from. So they decide that the solution to this insanity is to BAN something. It’s the typical reaction of someone incapable of logic and thought who allows their feelings to decide virtually everything they do in life.

  5. “he underlying premise is that the mere presence of a gun causes someone to kill or commit suicide.”

    The Left entertains this premise because the mere presence of a gun causes *them* to kill or commit suicide. They assume that because it has that effect on them, it must also on everyone else.

  6. “he underlying premise is that the mere presence of a gun causes someone to kill or commit suicide.”

    The Left entertains this premise because the mere presence of a gun causes *them* to kill or commit suicide. They assume that, because it has that effect on them, it must also on everyone else.

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