Quote of the day—John R. Lott

This study provides measures of vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It first compares Fulton county’s precincts that are adjacent to similar precincts in neighboring counties that had no allegations of fraud to isolate the impact of Fulton county’s vote-counting process (including potential fraud). In measuring the difference in President Trump’s vote share of the absentee ballots for these adjacent precincts, we account for the difference in his vote share of the in-person voting and the difference in registered voters’ demographics. The best estimate shows an unusual 7.81% drop in Trump’s percentage of the absentee ballots for Fulton County alone of 11,350 votes, or over 80% of Biden’s vote lead in Georgia. The same approach is applied to Allegheny County in Pennsylvania for both absentee and provisional ballots. The estimated number of fraudulent votes from those two sources is about 55,270 votes.

John R. Lott

US Department of Justice
A Simple Test for the Extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election: Georgia and Pennsylvania Data
December 21, 2020
[Even if the statistics make it look like an absolute certainty fraud was committed that doesn’t matter until someone confesses, there is video that can’t be explained away, or some other physical evidence of the fraud. Even if the odds are 1000:1 it was fraud, until the details of how the fraud occurred it’s going nowhere in the legal system.—Joe]


21 thoughts on “Quote of the day—John R. Lott

  1. Once again, evidence of voter fraud and political crimes are about as hard to find as a rock in Utah.
    One thing that is for certain. If this level of criminal behavior is allowed to stand. The communists will have free rein under the cover of law from now on.
    And we ain’t seen nothing yet. Everything you have counted on for your future happiness is in peril. As equal protection under the law will have been lost.
    And we will not be peacefully voting back in place.
    Our future under that system is Antifa/BLM doing whatever they please. While Kyle Rittenhouse goes to prison for murder.

  2. Facts, evidence, proof…..none of that matters. Hasn’t mattered for DECADES.
    We aren’t voting our way out of this mess, we aren’t protesting, suing or affidaviting our way out. The ONLY WAY off the path to communism that the left has America on is a violent one. They have zero intentions of giving up, going away or quitting.
    They fully intend to capitalize on the theft of the White House this election and finish what they started under Obama the SCOAMF. The ONLY language they understand and the ONLY language they will listen to is the language of violence.
    We have to kill them. NO OTHER ACTION will result in any meaningful change in the current situtation.

    • I might agree a violent path is the only way, but only if you include the use of law enforcement and the legal system in your definition of a violent solution.

      • What a maroon….. LEO is OWNED body and soul by the politicians….the ones who SIGN THEIR CHECKS. The internet has literally TENS OF THOUSANDS of videos depicting LEO violating their oaths to the Constitution and OUR rights. They will do EXACTLY what the Gestapo did when told to round people up and put them in boxcars.

        As for the “legal system”…..You TRULY have your head in the sand.EVERY SINGLE LAWSUIT that has been filed regarding the BLATANT criminal fraud committed by the dems in November has been shot down by that “legal system”. A system that is a WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY of the American Communist Party.

  3. unless it’s a high level person, they won’t take the word of some peon who was cheating by running boxes of ballots through the machine…the courts won’t even listen to the witnesses who saw it happening…Dan is right…only one way to fix this and it won’t be pretty…

  4. We did not get here overnight and as to overnight fixes – there are none. We cannot turn back the clock. We can only go forward.

    Just listen to our language. We describe the enemy only in the vaguest terms, but in reality it is your employers, neighbors, friends, coworkers, and yes even family that you are talking about.

    Just look at where we are. We’re at the end of the industrial revolution and now have the tech to reverse many of the negative trends that we have seen over our lifetime. Large is no longer a clear advantage. You don’t need to live close to your work. You don’t need to spend longer and longer time commuting to work. And since your kids will live in a connected world why should you send them to ‘public’ factory schools modeled on the industrial revolution? BTW: Our grand kids 8 and 10 are excelling with distance learning.

    Why should our governments be any different? Our tech provides the means to spread out, to decentralize, and discard the institutions of the industrial revolution that are no longer working for us.

    I don’t know where we’re headed, but we still have the ability to make choices. And we still live in the richest period of history.

    We need to think outside the box and push towards a world with fewer restrictions and more freedoms.

    • Some of us are going to have an awfully difficult time getting the zoning and EPA permits to be able to do our jobs from home. And that will be the easy part. Then we will have to arrange for regular hazardous waste pickup and explain to my landlord that part of his property is about to become a Superfund site. I’m sure that will go over very well.

      • True, but change always comes with some headaches.

        I grew up in a supper fund site that they are still working on cleaning up, but it covered 1,188 square miles of lead and zinc mines.

        Superfund sites come from a period in the industrial age where environmental concerns did not even cross most peoples minds, yet it had a cost even though it was not obvious at the time.

        And those of us – and that includes me – who chafe at EPA rules and want that freedom to do what they want with their own property only have to look at the Superfund sites to see the problems. In our own back yard that includes Hanford – all 700 square miles. And then there is Rocky Flats, Rocky Mountain Arsenal, along with many others.

        I want the freedoms, but I want a clean environment as well so what has to give. I do agree that the EPA has and is going overboard in some areas, but I also agree that much of what they do is necessary.

        Does that make collective good an enemy to be despised?

        We have met the enemy and he is us!

        I still believe that it is possible – not easy – to reorganize our society such that we can spread out into smaller communities that just have corresponding smaller problems. I thought that might happen in the 90’s with the advent of the internet, but like everyone else I packed up and moved to a megalopolis where the problems have gotten steadily more intractable.

        With working from home and distance learning we have dramatically reduced our carbon footprints – far beyond what any new green deal would achieve. So why should we not pursue that direction? Who’s going to take the lead – the leftist?

        • No sale.

          Does it occur to you that you are proposing to put a lot of knowledge workers with STEM degrees out of work, in addition to a lot of factory workers? Or that instead of one large relatively contained mess you are proposing to make a huge number of smaller messes that will be less contained and more difficult to clean up? My industry is not going away even if we offshore it, so how does the planet benefit?

          • “proposing to put a lot of knowledge workers with STEM degrees out of work”

            That’s already been happening. When I started programing in 1973, a big program was half a box of IBM cards. A few years later it became a cart of boxes. And so on to where today it is expected that programmers will be working on programs that have millions of lines of code. Not only has the number of lines changed, but the tools. Those boxes of cards took hours to get processed – today it is done in seconds. So productivity has increased dramatically and with that the need for fewer and fewer programmer hours.

            This too is an example of where we are going. In 1900 90% of the population worked in farming. Today, we only need a fraction of the population to supply food and all our consumer goods. The rest are busy providing services to one another.

            Our tech is giving us either a nightmare or a world where most do not need to work to live and are free to do other things. In either case we going to have to adapt not only physically, but also with our standards.

            Of course, it is possible that our civilization just collapses with cargo cults springing up everywhere, but I no longer think that is where we are headed. Our current course takes us to a world where only a fraction of the population is needed for basic necessities.

            So what about the work ethic that we all grew up with? How will it change if most do not need to work to provide for basics? My guess is that we will find ways to play since boredom is unacceptable and that some of that play will turn out to be productive – as it has down through the ages – because we don’t know how to do otherwise. Think about the evolution of the elites from the shamans to the advisors, consultants, professors. At first only a very few could be supported with necessities – now it’s most of the population and still increasing.

            Again who is going to take the lead – the leftist? I want a world where decisions are made at the lowest level with the decision makers having to live with the results. Our tech enables this possibility.

          • 1) Shutting us down because it’s “icky” is not an efficiency-based improvement.

            2)Breaking the industry up into smaller players actually makes everything *less* efficient, although it has some benefits (each new company needs several people like me, probably more total across the whole thing, and supply chains become less brittle).

            3) Since I basically do design/product improvement/proof-of-concept/troubleshooting, my job is in no danger of being lost to AI any time soon.

  5. And you are one of those who likely has spent time working from home. What is it that you don’t like about moving towards a more decentralized world? You mention efficiency. What else is there that could not be fixed with tech?

    • After about 2 weeks everyone ran out of stuff to do. Had to get back into the lab, to generate data to go crunch. In the real world, we actually have to actually demonstrate that something is as good as we say it is, or else no one will buy it. I work for a manufacturing company. Our customers are other factories. They–and we–have to meet specs. You can’t just throw “tech” at it–whatever that means–and handwave problems away in this business. Also, there is a great deal more to technology than computers. Sure, we have those too, and use them–I “program” some of them, if you can call it that–but the core of our work revolves around hard goods.

    • Also WFH was basically torture. I need the following:

      1) Clear boundaries between work and home
      2) At least a small number of other people
      3) Some other physical place to go

      I am honestly not sure which was worse for my mental health, lockdown or graduate school. Neither experience was particularly salutary.

      • Thanks. Yes we need at least a small number people and I too find that difficult.

        Personally, I’m not that bothered by the lack of boundaries between work and home and historically they were one and the same. And I guess that I’m lucky in that we have a small acreage with a little bit of room. And I can always go out to my shop and play with my CNC machine.

        Preferred work/learning styles vary over time and between individuals and our WFH and Distance Learning came without warning. For the grandchildren, it meant that they needed full featured and larger laptops. And it was a rough transition. Now I see my granddaughter (8 years old) using two screens at the same time while prone on the floor. When I asked her what she was doing the other day she proudly told me that she needed to check her email.

        So yes, WFH and DL require adjustments and that will require money, time, and experimentation. I understand that back yard offices are gaining in popularity. And I expect that we will soon have wall size screens.

        I’d like to get back to my purpose in starting this discussion which is to ask why aren’t we taking the lead in defining our futures? We not powerless in determining the nature of our future, but if we don’t take the lead then we will deserve what the leftist give us. We should be the ones that are offering the visions.

        I’m not set on the details because those will change, but I want a world with more freedoms with decisions made locally. The leftist want a global world full of rules and restrictions with few choices for the individual.

        I still think that the internet-like style of cooperating individuals with compliance at the interfaces, but details left up individuals is at least a starting point in defining that future. And that does not mean virtual everything.

      • Also WFH was basically torture.

        Interesting. For me it has been just the opposite. “I’m free! I’m free!” It was such a relief from having to deal with people being around all the time. I’ve been far more productive and much, much happier.

        All the talk about lockdown stress and “isolation PTSD” have only been vague academic concepts to me.

        As a co-worker said about a month ago, referring to herself, “I was built for this.” I fully agreed with her.

        I offer my sympathy to all the people experiencing stress, depression, etc. but I can’t honestly say I empathize.

        Yeah, I’ve known for a long time, I’m not a normal person.

        • 2 friends committed suicide over it. I have heard about others. I started to get panic attacks when my team members (the other few who were not furloughed) would leave for the day.

          I’m not what I would call normal, either. I have a very limited need for social interaction, compared to many people. I have difficulty with crowds, and parties. So, this took me by surprise. But there it is.

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