Quote of the day—Nylah Burton

I believe that for many Black people, especially those living in predominantly white areas, firearms might prove necessary. And not just for defense, but for food sustainability, which will become more important as the climate crisis worsens. In fact, home birth, natural medicine, farming, hunting, and fishing, are all skills I believe Black people should turn to as we prepare for the seismic shift that political upheaval and environmental collapse may bring.

America is a gun country, and it’ll destroy itself before it lays down its arms. With the storm that’s already here and with the storms that have yet to come, the idea of my people laying down ours first terrifies me.

Nylah Burton
May 12, 2020
As A Black Woman In This Country, I Feel I Need To Bear Arms
[I tend to disagree with many of her assertions and the process by which she arrives at her conclusions. I am, however, quite content with the conclusions reached.

I would like to encourage her and others to proceed with the proposed independent mindset and skillsets. I expect this will result in many of their beliefs being revised. I’m good with that.—Joe]


6 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Nylah Burton

  1. There are so many times I wish I could give comments on some article. But I’ve noticed that many of these authors don’t have any sort of commenting capability. Oh well.

    Please know you have my full support in becoming a well armed and trained firearm owner. If you were ever in my area, I would be glad to go to the range with you. While you might consider me to be evil because of my skin color, or less than human because of my skin color, you are still a member of my group, An American. You are a member of my tribe, a legal firearm owner.

    Please continue to advocate for the support of the second amendment by all in this country. Continue to fight against those that would disarm you. You have the backing of so many people from so many different walks of life in your battle to defend your Constitutional rights.


  2. Always talking about “MY” people. They just can’t get passed themselves long enough to see what America is about. After 300+ years its a safe bet they never will.
    An American hero said we should judge people by the content of their character. Not the color of their skin. (I see they took that to heart). Not!
    But don’t worry Nylah. Trump won’t being rounding up, “sickle cell suspects”, anytime soon.

  3. So, how would the vast majority of armed black Americans employ their firearms for food sustainability? Last I checked, there weren’t many bison, elk, or deer foraging around the inner cities. Feral cats, dogs and rats, perhaps? Or was that a veiled threat for armed robbery for food?

    In our predominately white rural community, the few black neighbors are fully integrated into the community, armed, and raise chickens and gardens just like everyone else. Once you get below the surface of Nylah’s comment, it doesn’t make much sense, really. To farm you need land. Foraging, hunting, fishing and medicinal plant skills all require more than sitting in the city and watching YouTube. So what’s he/she really proposing? That black people start acting like us hillbillies?

    • My guess is that she believes that often repeated lie “Whites hunt Blacks for fun.” So she is thinking that those why racists, nazi, fat white men are going to go killing blacks in order to take food from them.

      Or she believes that those horrible white store owners are suddenly going to stop selling to blacks because racism. So the only way for blacks to get food will be to use guns to force store owners to sell to them.

      The problem is that all of her fears are based on an assumption of evil on my part. It would not surprise me to hear her call me all sorts of bad names because I used the words “black” and “white” above. She’s an American so she’s not an African-American. I gave up on what the word of the day is to describe “people of color”.

  4. I fully support her intent to exercise her right to bear arms. However, she writes plainly from the perspective of a racist who denies her own racism while accusing others not of her tribe of being so. Nothing new here.

  5. “I expect this will result in many of their beliefs being revised.”

    I don’t expect, in this case, but I do hope. But no, I’ll restate it; I both hope and expect that a few people of that mindset will revise their beliefs, once they discover and admit that they’ve been misled. That’s enough. Those few will become towers, or beacons, of the truth.

    “Because narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.” — Jesus of Nazareth (KJV) (Matthew 7:14)

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