1. Violent crime is down and has been on the decline for decades.
2. The principal public safety concerns with respect to guns are suicides and illegally owned handguns, not mass shootings.
3. A small number of factors significantly increase the likelihood that a person will be a victim of a gun-related homicide.
4. Gun-related murders are carried out by a predictable pool of people.
5. Higher rates of gun ownership are not associated with higher rates of violent crime.
6. There is no clear relationship between strict gun control legislation and homicide or violent crime rates.
7. Legally owned firearms are used for lawful purposes much more often than they are used to commit crimes or suicide.
8. Concealed carry permit holders are not the problem, but they may be part of the solution.
John G. Malcolm and Amy Swearer
March 14, 2018
Here Are 8 Stubborn Facts on Gun Violence in America
[Follow the link for a deep dive into the points above.
While Constitutionally protected rights do not depend upon empirical data to be retained the above points can be used to demonstrate anti-gun people have intentions other than reducing violent crime. Demand they tell you their real intentions for desiring a disarmed public.—Joe]
#6 is clearly false. The accurate statement is: “There is a clear relationship — an inverse releationship — between strict gun control legislation and homicide or violent crime rates”
Similarly, while #5 is technically true, it is misleading. The accurate statement would be: “Higher rates of gun ownership are associated with lower rates of violent crime”
The points stated do us no harm and are much easier to defend. This makes it easier to demonstrate the other side has intentions other than reduction of violent crime and put them on the defensive.
“While Constitutionally protected rights do not depend upon empirical data to be retained the above points can be used to demonstrate anti-gun people have intentions other than reducing violent crime.”
True, but once they abandoned the principles of liberty we knew that for certain already, see? It’s that simple, for one does not abandon the princpes, then attack them, without an agenda. The specific rationalizations they use have nothing to do with anything.
“Demand they tell you their real intentions for desiring a disarmed public”
I like the sentiment. Just don’t expect truth out of people that live by lies.
Facts are irrelevant to the commie demonrat gun grabbers and their brain dead sycophant supporters. The majority of the left are too stupid and too blind to even CONSIDER facts. They are immune to logic and reason. And the handful
that CAN think for themselves don’t care about the facts. They care about POWER. And POWER requires they disarm us. The left cares only about one
thing. The power and ability to RULE us. The ONLY language they will listen
to and respect is the language of POWER. There can be no negotiation or compromise with the left. Because the lefts motto has been and always will be
“what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is negotiable”. Normal American society
seeking to maintain it’s freedoms truly have only two choices when dealing with the left. And they are the same two choices we have regarding dealings with
muslims…… It’s US or THEM. There can be only one. They will show us no mercy if they achieve the power they seek. If we show them mercy they will merely regroup and try again.