Certainly the Leftists do not want us to love freedom and liberty at all, and as soon as the streets and cities are made safe from “gun violence”, and knife and club and fist violence take its place, the lickspittle followers of the Leftists can sit in their houses and quake at every thump and bump, and think about what they did, or perhaps they will later write letters to Comrade whoever explaining why it’s a mistake they’re in the camp.
Windy Wilson
July 18, 2018
Comment to Quote of the day—Dov Marhoffer
[I have nothing to add.—Joe]
I appreciate that latter clause, in which the good and faithful servant of the Glorious Revolution For Equality And Social Justice remains utterly clueless as to what it’s really about, even after being arrested by those he served so well.
“This is a mistake!” he says, as he’s being tied to a pole for execution, “If you’ll just talk to Comrade SoAndSo, he’ll tell you that I served the Revolution with distinction!”
And it doesn’t matter if you show them, right now, how many times that scenario has repeated itself. They’re always convinced that this time it will be different. “Times have changed”, they will say, thus dismissing reality even unto death, just as they’ve dismissed reality all along.
Once you’ve embraced a giant lie, and helped further the cause of mass suffering, it’s extremely difficult to admit that you’ve fallen for it, that you’ve been taken as a sucker. Even low level street gangs understand this. It’s why they’ll get new recruits to commit some horrible crime of violence.
Once you’re in that deep it’s all the more difficult to reverse direction and get out. But of course even that is a lie.
“And it doesn’t matter if you show them, right now, how many times that scenario has repeated itself. They’re always convinced that this time it will be different.”
They will often recognize that some “Useful idiots” will need to purged after the revolution. They, however, are the true guardians of the faith and believe it can’t happen to them, right up to the time the CHEKA knocks on their door at midnight.
I remember reading that after Hitler’s rise to power, after some of the common NAZI members were “encouraged” to get out and manual labor for the good of the movement, how one of them wrote a letter to der Fuhrer to let him know how difficult the labor was, (because of course der Fuhrer didn’t know how his minions were abusing the people). The unfortunate was summerly shuffled off to a concentration camp, protesting all the way of how good of a little NAZI he was……