He briefed me quickly on what had just happened and said he had to get him. So that’s what I did.
He just hurt so many people, he affected so many people’s lives, why wouldn’t you want to take him down?
Johnnie Langendorff
November 5, 2017
An unlikely hero describes gun battle and 95 mph chase with Texas shooting suspect
[The perpetrator (this loser will not be mentioned by name on this blog) in the Texas church shooting was engaged by a neighbor who got a bullet in through a gap in loser’s the body armor (he was wearing what has been described as a ballistic vest). The neighbor and Langendorff pursued the loser while keeping the police updated who arrived at the location where the loser drove off the road. The neighbor used the hood of Langendorff’s pickup for support of his rifle (and the engine compartment for cover) to keep the loser from getting away. The police arrived five to seven minutes later.
As is usual, when seconds matter the police are only minutes away. The bad guy was stopped by private citizens who did what was immediately needed and the police are investigating and writing reports.
The situation could have turned out better had someone engaged the loser with shots to the head and/or hips when he first entered the church. Texas law appears to allow churches to forbid firearms provided they give notice to church visitors. At this point I don’t know as to whether the church had given such notice.
I see some lessons to be learned here: 1) Carry a gun, and 2) Immediately confront evil. This is counter to the narrative of the anti-gun people who call people who do this “vigilantes” and insist such behavior is “best left to the authorities”. This is one more example of why anti-gun people are losing and are, in fact, aligning themselves with other criminal losers.—Joe]
One of the common claims by opponents of concealed carry is that you can’t figure out what is going on. While that could be true in some circumstances, I’ve always claimed that someone in the moment at the scene often can correctly assess events. Here, the neighbor could and did correctly assess, and together with a COMPLETE STRANGER who was local, take effective action.
It’s been well established that cops shoot the wrong person far more often than civilians do. There probably are good reasons why this makes sense.
I liked the interview with Willeford on Louder with Crowder. When loser had run off the road, and Willeford was continuing to keep his carbine trained on the cab of the truck, the first Sheriff arrived. Willeford heard the cop addressing the Loser truck, “Drop your gun, come out with your hands up.” Willeford thought the cop was addressing him, so placed his carbine on the truck hood, and came slowly towards the Sheriff, arms extended.
The response? “Not you! Get back there!” – the cop was alone, and needed Willeford to continue to stay in the fight until more cops arrived.
I was asked to provide security for a start up church that rented some space at Job #2. It never crossed my mind not to be armed.
Well done to the two Texans who at least gave a happy ending to this terrible story.
“This is counter to the narrative of the anti-gun people who call people who do this “vigilantes” and insist such behavior is “best left to the authorities”.
To a leftist, everything is best left to the “authorities”. That includes running your business, raising your children, spending your money, reporting “news” and choosing political candidates. I believe that if you asked the typical Progressive True Believer, you could not get them to specifically define any human activity as being properly (as in morally) outside the scrutiny, jurisdiction or control of “authorities”. That I suppose, right there, defines the word “totalitarian”.
Also, the guy who fired upon the loser was reported on theBlaze this morning as being an NRA Instructor. If so, I take some small pleasure in that.
I would like to know more about the exact sequence of events, just as a study. Apparently, for example, the perp was shot outside the church? Was the perp done at that point? Had he come outside for breather, before going back in and finishing up his killing? What rifle and caliber did the NRA instructor use? Where exactly (in what part of the body and from what direction), was the douchebag hit?
So not one person inside the church was armed, or able to return fire? I don’t know, but that would be shameful.
All the critics claim that the perp was “done”. But they don’t know, we probably cannot know. What appears to be true is that he was still armed and capable of more mayhem, when Willeford engaged him.
There was one wounded woman who said that she was expecting to die next when Willeford showed up.
He had a rifle in his hand and was reportedly shooting at neighbors who had come outside to see what was happening. Definitely a righteous shoot on Willeford’s part.
There’s a 35 minute interview with Willeford by Louder wtih Crowder that explains all of your questions, and more. Not only was Willeford an NRA instructor, but all his children, by age 8, could shoot NRA Distinguished Marksman scores. He grabbed an AR-15 out of his safe (assumed .223), and had to load a magazine with loose shells (didn’t have a loaded mag handy) while dashing out the door, barefoot.
Willeford went into some detail in the interview about seeing that Loser was armored, and specifically directed fire into the exposed side of his torso. He got two hits on Loser. Final round was apparently self inflicted.
Loser expended 15 mags of ammo in the church – or that’s what is now released by the local sheriff’s dept. investigation. That’s 450 rounds of ammo – for a total of 47 killed or wounded. Some were hit numerous times – but it seems like Loser must have just sprayed a lot of ammo around.
Regarding, the “was he done?” question. Willeford had great concern that another Baptist church was only two miles up the road, in the direction that Loser drove when he departed. He didn’t want the loser to be able to leave and shoot up another church, hence the diligence with which the pursuit was carried out.
I believe that if you asked the typical Progressive True Believer, you could not get them to specifically define any human activity as being properly (as in morally) outside the scrutiny, jurisdiction or control of “authorities”.
Abortions. Abortions are not up to the “authorities”.
Willeford demurs to be called a Hero, but that is precisely what he is.
His actions are the definition of Heroism. He said he was ‘scared to death’ and I have no reason to doubt him. But that fear did not cause him stop. He overcame that fear and did what was needed to be done.
That is ‘valor’.
My children will grow up knowing the name of Stephen Willeford, Jonas Salk, Neil Armstrong, George Washington, and other American heroes. These men are our proud heritage.
I don’t think any of the military or Secretary of Defense awards of valor for civilians would apply unless Willeford is a DoD employee or possibly if there were DoD employees in the church.
Texas needs to step up and create a State award for valor just so that they can award it to him. Other states have heroism awards…
The shooter appears to have shot most of the people in the church, including his ex-grandmother-in-law. He had not yet found his ex-wife or his ex-mother-in-law. I do not believe he would have stopped on his own without finding at least his ex-wife. Had Mr. Willeford not stopped him, someone else would have had to do so, probably after even more innocent victims had been killed. Mr. Willeford did the right thing under the kind of sudden difficult circumstances we all hope never to encounter.
There is every indication from currently available knowledge that he planned to continue murdering innocent people. Either resupplying and going back into the church to execute survivors, or possibly taking a hostage and moving to a secondary crime scene. Waiting for the investigation to give us the final word.
{ believe that if you asked the typical Progressive True Believer, you could not get them to specifically define any human activity as being properly (as in morally) outside the scrutiny, jurisdiction or control of “authorities”.}
Unless it’s abortion or sexual perversions, you’re probably right.
Very disappointing, although not surprising, to see the MSM attempting to cast Willeford’s actions as irrelevant. His heroic actions were a very inconvenient blow to the MSM talking points that the average armed citizenry cannot stop crime.
In today’s Wall St. Journal there was a piece about “active shooter training” which propagated “run, hide, fight”. It came with a photo showing the pretend bad guy (a cop, the trainer) walking down the aisle of an office, and another person sitting under the desk, apparently told to believe that this is “hiding” and somehow might protect you. I didn’t see a word about shooting back. That spot under the desk is just fine if you have a gun out, ready to fire at the bad guy the moment he comes into view. But teaching this sort of unarmed victimhood stuff makes me sick.