@shannonrwatts @rpatrickriley @MomsDemand Ooh, what big strong men, with their penis substitutes, intimidating unarmed people. How brave.
Mostly me these days @OCPDme
Tweeted on January 16, 2016
[It’s another Markley’s Law Monday!
If they were intimidated by what they saw perhaps they should get some counseling.—Joe]
I wonder why these cretins think we ought to use our genitals to stop crime?
I am weirdly reminded of a minor DC villain from the old Doom Patrol comic named ‘Codpiece’.
His schtick was… yep… he had a modular codpiece with fittings for a cannon, drill attachment, etc.
this fear of penises must be pretty strong, that they project it onto inanimate objects. odd, this projection. it might explain a lot of things.
It DOES explain a lot; seeing a weapon and associating it with a penis.
There was a time when seeing a strong, confident man, armed or not, would have had a calming effect.
Do any of these people understand that women. as a demographic, are driving some of the biggest increases in firearms sales?
There is a famous quote that no one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you allow them to do so. In a similar vein, there is no reason that they have to feel intimidated when they see an armed man. The fault lies with them for a cowardly attitude and for being disarmed.
I bet if I just raised my voice to them, they would soil their panties (including their beta males).
Being stupid, selfish, and a Democrat is no way to go through life, son.
“An insult is like a drink; it only affects you if you accept it.” — from Robert Heinlein’s book Glory Road.
So if a gun is a penis substitute and meant to intimidate, wtf are the pussy hats and vagina costumes all about? A desire to attract ridicule and mockery? An expression of inner mental dishevelment? Am I supposed to feel intimidated? Can’t figure this one out, but to be honest, don’t care enough to try very hard.
You’re assuming that there are functional brains behind that display. If you lose that mistaken assumption, it’s all straightforward.