Quote of the day—Ed S. @SnowdenEd


Ed S. ‏@SnowdenEd
Tweeted on September 15, 2015
[It’s another Markley’s Law Monday!

This guy is particularly dim-witted because @Trunthepaige is a woman.

Via a tweet from QuackHead/PotterHead‏ @Duck_Hunter7.—Joe]


7 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Ed S. @SnowdenEd

  1. What I’m staring at is the dude drinking what looks like a beer on the sidewalk.

    How many places is that legal?

    Also note that even a bolt-action rifle is evil….there are NO guns they consider OK.

    • It’s legal all kinds of places…but only at certain times, within the designated area, during official events. Which means they know it’s bogus, but don’t care.

  2. Has anyone ever done a study on why those sheep have such a high interest in other people’s sexual organs?

  3. So the meme writer says he/she is staring at small penises… of men seen from behind.

    My inclination would be to point this out, and to add: if you can stare at them from this angle, then they’re not small.

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