Quote of the day—Conor Higgins

There you have it, serfs! The right for the government to regulate the personal carrying of weapons is set forth in 14th century English law and therefore has the force of our own laws over our own people in the 21st century.

How can we refute this unassailable position?

The truth is that it cannot be done; these laws cannot be overturned, revoked or defeated.

The laws, as set forth by our English forebears, in the days of our most honored and revered King Edward III, by nature of their age, govern us still today.

Now that this argument and the force of 14th century English law have been enacted in the colonies, it is only fitting that we adopt other, more pressing laws into our society. Starting now, under order of King Henry VIII, the Church of East England shall be established, with the president of the United States seated at its most high position of responsibility.

He will have the power to appoint bishops and use treasury money to build churches. On a minor note, Catholics, Jews and other heretics will be given the choice of burning to death or conversion.

The position of president shall be replaced with the title of royal governor, and any and all elections of government officials will be abolished, with appointments being made by the current monarch of Great Britain and her royal appointee in the colonies. Long may they reign.

Conor Higgins
May 26, 2015
14th Century English gun law rules in 21st Century America
[Higgins is mocking the amicus brief filed on behalf of San Diego by Everytown For Gun Safety in the case of Peruta v. San Diego.

It would be even more funny if I didn’t think President Obama would go for it if given the chance.—Joe]


5 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Conor Higgins

  1. I still think that the Obomination is using all this “race riot against cops” crap to declare martial law, suspend elections indefinitely, and make himself King.

  2. I’m reminded of a lovely story — sorry, I can’t remember the source — of a British college kid, at Cambridge University, who interrupted an exam to ask the proctor for cakes and ale. The proctor smiled and told him to sit down, but the kid persisted. “Sir, I request and require that you serve me cakes and ale.” He then pulled out a copy of the four-hundred-year-old Cambridge University contract, and pointed to where it stipulated — in Latin — that gentlemen sitting examinations may request and require cakes and ale. This caused the proctors to huddle and discuss what to do, while the kid was no doubt snickering to himself. They decided to give him what he wanted and settle it later, so they ordered him burgers and Cokes — deemed the modern equivalent — and the kid happily chomped and slurped away as he worked on his exam.

    Two weeks later, he was fined ten pounds… for failing to wear his sword to the exam.

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