The only way this isn’t blatant hypocrisy is if the Left has denied even basic humanity to the Right. So that conservatives aren’t human, and thus not deserving of human rights. Which makes sense considering how many, “we’ll have the police round you all up and kill you” comments have been thrown at “gun nuts” over the years.
Progressives, still looking to blame someone else and implement their final solution.
December 24, 2014
Comment to Their humor is very telling
[I have nothing to add.—Joe]
Straight outta Alinsky, those tactics. It’s like straight outta Compton, but it’s even less respectable.
We have a President whose political mentor and best friend spent the 1970s trying to overthrow the US government, trying to murder American soldiers, and writing books in which he waxed gleeful over the possibility of getting the USSR to invade and occupy the US and “liquidate” 25 million “ineducable right-wingers” in death-camps.
We have a President who spent 20+ years of his life attending a church whose pastor preaches race war and the extermination of “Whitey.”
Nothing shocks me at this point. This is not to say that my life is free from disappointment, nor disgust, but I’m not shocked.
the Left has denied even basic humanity to the Right. So that conservatives aren’t human, and thus not deserving of human rights. Which makes sense considering how many, “we’ll have the police round you all up and kill you” comments are made by the left (and NOT IN JEST)
This IS clearly in the plans of the leftist, collectivists, and the oligarchs who pull their strings and it sounds strikingly like Hitler’s “final solution for the Jewish problem” to me, which is another reason that I object to the “the Zionists who run the U.S.” sort of broad brush antisemitism spouted about by some who comment here. As I said, I would fight to the death for those people’s God-given and constitutionally protected rights, but I’d have a hard time trusting them behind me or beside me during the battle.