Hat tip; theBlaze

Happy Independence Day.

He probably complied too much, and should have stood his ground on the “Am I being detained” part. I don’t know what I will do when my time comes, but I have been through a similar incident before and it left a bad taste in my mouth. In that case I was in fact in violation, by having studded tires after the deadline for removing them. If I were totally innocent, who knows what would happen? I’ve seen the dog trick before too. It’s bullshit. I do know for sure that I will be asking the criminal posing as a cop to get out a pad and pencil and jot down “18 USC 241” and “18 USC 242” and informing him that he is putting himself at risk for prosecution.

A dashcam would be a good investment about now, to document the crimes committed by corrupt police, if for no other reason than posterity, so future generations can see how and when our republic fell into the shithole.


12 thoughts on “Hat tip; theBlaze

  1. The dashcam will do you no good unless it is streaming to a secure server or five.

    Legal or not, it will be seized.

    • 4G data service technically supports full 1080P HD levels of bandwidth. So that’s not much of a stretch, really. If you just did NTSC, that should be pretty easily transportable over that connection.

  2. I wonder what might have occurred if he’d locked the doors when he got out, and asked for their warrant when they demanded to search the car?

  3. The whole dog alert thing is totally bogus. I’m not a professional dog trainer, just a guy who loves dogs, and I once taught a friend’s dog to start growling fiercely anytime my friend cleared her throat. It took us about 45 minutes or so. Definitely took less than an hour.

    Cops can get a dog to “alert” on anything, anytime they want.

  4. Not a dash-cam – too easily seen and stolen – I suggest getting a pen-cam. Stays in your pocket recording everything you see/hear while facing off the thugs-in-blue(or whatever color they are wearing this year). Just be sure to cover the little red I-am -recording-this-for-my-friends light on it, heh, heh, heh.

  5. Has anyone ever been prosecuted for 18 USC 241/242 violation, other than maybe in the 19th century? The problem with that law — how would you activate it? A Federal prosecutor could bring such a charge, of course, but of course never would. Can an “ordinary citizen” file a federal criminal charge with non-zero probability of it sticking?

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