Quote of the day–Saul Cornell

Guns, Democracy, and the Insurrectionist Idea recasts the gun debate by showing its importance to the future of democracy and the modern regulatory state. Until now, gun rights advocates had effectively co-opted the language of liberty and democracy and made it their own. This book is an important first step in demonstrating how reasonable gun control is essential to the survival of democracy and ordered liberty.

Saul Cornell
Ohio State University
From the publishers web site.
[Ahhh, yes. We’ve heard this party slogan before only with slightly different wording: Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength.–Joe]


5 thoughts on “Quote of the day–Saul Cornell

  1. Honestly, just reading this about one of the authors is enough to spare you from reading a description about the book. His resume speaks far better for his positions than his words ever could.

    Joshua Horwitz received a law degree from George Washington University and is currently a visiting scholar at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

  2. reasonable gun control is essential to the survival of democracy and ordered liberty.

    Well, of course it is, if one defines “democracy” as “the system of government in which if 51 percent of the people vote away the rights of the other 49 percent then that’s just too bad for them” and “ordered liberty” as “you have only as much freedom as the nanny-statists allow you.” Can’t have that 49 percent be able to say “no,” and have the capability to make that “no” actually MEAN NO, you know.

  3. if one defines “democracy” as “the system of government in which if 51 percent of the people vote away the rights of the other 49 percent then that’s just too bad for them”

    That’s pretty much exactly what democracy is, which is why the U.S. is not, nor has ever been, a democracy.

  4. the U.S. is not, nor has ever been, a democracy.

    Of course not; we are a constitutional republic. It seems fewer and fewer American citizens are aware of the differences as each new generation takes the reins, though. I shudder to think of the country our kids will be inheriting.

  5. Saul Cornell is a continuing bad joke. He is to gun control what NASA’s James Hansen is to Global Warming.

    Just smack him upside the head with “Just One Question” and follow through with John Lott’s work.

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