Quote of the day–Tracy Ambeau Hanson

Do we really need a gun-fashion police? I just want to be able to exercise my Second Amendment rights without interference from the District government.

Tracy Ambeau Hanson
March 9, 2009

[The above picture is from David. See also more on the lawsuit story from David. I find it incredible amusing SAF found a woman of color as the plaintiff in a case about discrimination against a gun that is the wrong color. How much more blatant can the discrimination be before people start realizing the people attempting to infringe our right to keep and bear arms are bigots?

Thank you Ms. Hanson, SAF, and Calguns Foundation.

SAF is getting monthly, tax deductible, donations from my paycheck with matching donations from Microsoft. What are you doing to help?-Joe]


One thought on “Quote of the day–Tracy Ambeau Hanson

  1. […] California Approved Safe Cars […]
    Perfect. Couldn’t ask for a better plaintiff. California, Washington and D.C. should be force to explain why this woman is not worth saving.

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