It’s quite wonderful. If you’d told me at 28 that this would be happening, I’d never have believed it.
It’s great sex, but it’s not with my husband. To be absolutely honest, he’s the last man on the planet I’d want to have sex with.
Age 48
Sex and the older woman
[Interesting. Barb and I knew a woman that told me essentially the same thing. The woman’s husband was nice looking and as near as Barb and I could tell a great guy in every way. But the woman said she found sex with him repulsive and she proceeded to have affairs with numerous other men. Barb and I severed contact with them after the woman told me of bringing some married officer from the Pentagon to her home to have sex with in the living room while her husband and infant child were upstairs asleep. Not only was she on some sort of path to self-destruction but it was risking national security by making the officer vulnerable to blackmail.–Joe]
but it was risking national security by making the officer vulnerable to blackmail.
Which is why I objected to Bill Clinton fooling around with Monica Lewinsky. I never understood why the Republicans didn’t cite this as a reason for the impeachment.
There is no thrill with the familiar.
The old phrase “familiarity breeds contempt” is often true.
Having sex with strange men that she views as powerful will fulfill desires for novelty. This is not the place to debate whether those appetites are healthy, but they are understandable.
“I never understood why the Republicans didn’t cite this as a reason for the impeachment.”
Having worked, however briefly, in a legislature I can tell you that it’s a sexual playhouse — a very sad one in which people you’d otherwise think are adults secretly behave like high-schoolers.
I’ve heard nothing to indicate Congress is any different than Sacramento. If they’d cited this as a reason for impeachment it would hit a little too close to home for most of ’em.