As liberty purists say often, gun control isn’t about guns, it’s about control. As non-gun owners, you no doubt are beginning to feel the pinch of restraint on your wrists as your freedoms are being taken away on government fiat, freedoms which seem to have nothing to do with guns. This makes all Americans united on one front: experiencing abuses of powers not granted by the people. Officials have this penchant for claiming to lift our burdens in what they call compassion or social justice, but in fact lift our liberties as if we have a bottomless pit of freedoms and can afford to surrender up some for their projects. Justice herself then suffers, as, little by little, self-rule, independence, and opportunity are snuffed out. … The whole idea of disarming the supreme authority of this country is piggish. Who in their right mind elects to disarm themselves as the supreme authority? Who in their right mind takes the word of servants over their own better judgment and gives up rights for nothing? Who in their right mind doesn’t learn from past disaster of who really loses when guns are taken and who doesn’t?
John Longenecker
February 15, 2009
Gun Control: the very first pig with lipstick on it.
[As usual, when Longenecker writes nearly every paragraph qualifies as QOTD material.–Joe]
“Who in their right mind…?”
Explanation; Public Education.