I have my software project ready for an alpha release (feature complete, but there are known bugs which must be fixed before release).
This was designed for cell phones not a desktop. It will work on desktop and laptop computers but whenever a user interface design was a trade-off between a desktop user and a mobile user the mobile user was given the advantage.
The software is a web based exterior ballistics calculator and can be found here: http://test.joehuffman.org/ http://field.modernballistics.com.This is much different that Modern Ballistics but uses the same algorithms and concepts. This web based version is for use in the field. Example, while at Boomershoot you can input the exact ranges and inclination to a set of targets combined with the weather conditions to get the scope setting needed for one shot, one “kill” hits on the boomers. I plan to have it running on a local server at Boomershoot 2009 so cell phones (and laptops) with WiFi support can get really fast results even with a heavy load of users.
I’m also thinking that maybe for Boomershoot 2010 I will have a weather station on site that will update the conditions for a special version of the software in real time.
Known bugs:
- The help page is for the desktop version not the web based version.
- If the bullet velocity at the target is less than 1400 fps all parameters such as elevation angle, windage, time to target, etc. are in error.
- Some optimization for response time and load handling should still be done.
All data is stored in cookies on your device. This means the website does not need to save the data on the site in order to save your data. The downside is that all your input from the desktop does not show up on your cell phone or if you get a new cell phone the data will have to be reentered.
At this point I’m mostly looking for user interface and device compatibility issues. Does it appear to work on your Blackberry? Does it work on your iPhone? Is the user interface easy enough to understand and use? If you have problems with your cell phone try using it on a desktop computer to make sure you are using the software right before assuming the cell phone is having problems with the website.
Leave comments here.
Thanks for your feedback.
Your idea is great but I thought I would inform you that a new ballistic program is due to be released tomorrow ( Monday 24th) on Apple iTunes Apps for the iPhone and iPod. It is called iSnipe and appears to be based on NOBal ballistic program. Many of us have been requesting the development of a ballistic calculator for the iPhone and iPod Touch since they are much more compact and easier to carry in the field. I would also encourage the development of an off-line ballistic program as well as on-line for the platform since many shooting areas are obviously outside of WiFi zones. Recently a shot timer (ShotTimer) for the iPhone was also developed by the Surefire Company and is also available on iTunes. I would encourage you to consider iTunes as a means of distributing your software.
Thanks for all your good work.
Blackberry Curve 8320 – browser worked fine. User interface was mostly obvious, although I’d expected to return to the main page once I hit ‘Save’ after editing. Makes sense to stay on edit if the assumption is multiple new entries at one time.
For the Boomershoot it would be nice if target distances and elevation were preloaded.
I’m pretty sure there are more Windows Mobile devices out there than iPhones. Which is also on my planned list of software.
At Boomershoot the incline to the target varies depending on whether you are on the berm or in the Lowlands…
I managed to get an error page while editing the TargetEdit.aspx page. When I went to save it gave me a Server Error “/”.
Here are the numbers I fed it when the error happened.
Name: 100 Yards
Range (yards): 1000
Incline (degrees): 3
Speed (MPH): 10
Direction (degrees): 180
Backing out of it, clicking on home it looks like it saved everything except the Direction (degrees)
‘Fraid it ain’s so, Joe.
Apple: 6,899,010 / 17.3%
RIM: 6,051,730 / 15.2%
Microsoft: 5,425,470 / 13.6%
The percentages in growth tell an even bigger story: RIM, 83.5%, MS, 42.9%, Apple, 523%.
iSnipe web page here. iSnipe iTunes link here.
It’s based on the GNU ballistics model; I don’t know enough about it to render an opinion.
Excellent! I will try it on my Blackberry in the next week or so, and compare with the Horus Vision software in my 5.11 watch.
Looks fine on a PalmOS Treo.
There are a few Palm-based ballistics programs out there already, but this is a cool idea.