Let me get this straight…
The state wants me to pay a fee and ask me all kinds of personal questions to exercise a right…
The state wants to license every producer of firearms and require them to serial number everything they make, without room for error…
The state wants access to everyone’s police and medical records…
The state wants a record of every transaction where a firearm changes hands…
The state wants me to submit to training despite the fact that I had two decades of prior experience and no negligent discharge, much less a crime…
The state wants to dictate where I may carry a firearm…
The state wants to dictate how I transport a firearm…
The state wants me to inform them where and when I move anywhere in the country…
The state doesn’t trust me to report a theft, so they will automatically assume guilt if I don’t…
The state doesn’t trust me with certain types of firearms…
The state wants every bullet and case to have an identification…
The state doesn’t trust me to defend my life without violating someone else’s rights…
…and I’m the paranoid one?
February 26, 2008
In the comments to Bigot talk
[Imagine what the response would be if gays, Jews, blacks, etc. were required to adhere to such restrictions in order to exist in our country.–Joe]