Great Los Angeles Fire

About an hour ago, I talked to Barb about the fire. I said that the Los Angeles fire will go down in history as a major event. It will be like the Great Chicago Fire. A memorable point of history. Then I saw this from Matthew Bracken on Gab:

Related and also from Bracken:

Underground bunkers are relatively immune and more easily defended from fires. Just saying…


47 thoughts on “Great Los Angeles Fire

  1. Some of the pictures of the LA fire aftermath reminded me of photos of the SF 1906 earthquake aftermath.

  2. “As of January 11, over 35,000 acres have burned in Los Angeles.”

    What is important is not the number of acres – no one would care too terribly much about squirrels, rabbits and deer – but which acres, and who lives on them. Or, more accurately, “used to live on them” because it will be years – maybe longer, and potentially a lot longer – before anyone will be allowed to live on those acres again.

    The aftermath – economic, social, and especially, political – will be fascinating to watch; multiple books will be written about it, and there are a couple local industries that will experience massive, wrenching changes from it. I do not doubt that there are several enterprising governors and economic commissions intensely studying options and opportunities.

    Truly a transformative event.

  3. It’s a land-grab.
    They are already talking major re-zoning, and permitting in CA is an expensive nightmare if you are not politically connected to the graft among TPTB. They made the conscious choice to NOT spend state money on prevention, preferring to let it burn and then collect Federal money to rebuild. They are already talking or rebuilding lots of high-density 15-minute cities in the place of things that burned down. Many will not be able to rebuild as many home insurance policies were canceled in the last few months, and owners are being offered low-ball offers for the land (and land only, as there is no more remaining structure). There are stories and videos of people, some homeless some illegal aliens, being caught starting fires who are claiming they were paid to do so.

    You are also seeing DEI emergency management at its finest.

    What should be done to the people at the top involved with this is [redacted Fedposting].

    • Do you have sources for any of your assertions? ‘Cause the whole “they did this on purpose” thing is, without evidence, just conspiracy mongering. Love to see some reputable sources (not just some out of context youtube video of a street dude claiming he got paid to start a fire…folks on camera will say anything) and first hand data.

      • It’s never a conspiracy. It’s just so many “coincidences of incompetence” that the “blame” can never be laid at anyone’s feet.
        But give it some time. Just like Hawaii and NC, East Palestine. And no accountability.
        As for the fires themselves? EVERY time the “witch winds”, (what they were called when I was there in the 60’s), blow hot and dry from the eastern deserts. So. Cal. burns.
        And they happen almost every year.
        And nobody knew? To fill the reservoirs? Check the hydrants? Have extra equipment and personal at the ready? Call to see what air assets were available?
        That and the fact that the feds will only step-up to help pay for a fire after it goes over a million dollars to put out. Insures they won’t be put out quickly. And in brush, that mean death.
        Couple that with the fact that most of the fires of the passed 10 years in the west were arson.
        Rolf is spot on.
        I got less than a 11 th. grade education, and I could have done 4 times better job than the morons you’re defending.
        You want proof? Go look at all the other places run by your commie friends, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Camden.
        Hell, you don’t even need a fire.

        • It’s always coincidence, and always in the one direction. You’d think that over time the randomness of the coincidences and chance would even out, but it always seems to fall in only one direction.

        • Again with the name-calling instead of actual data. Is that really the best you can do? I mean, hey, 11th grade is 11th grade, surely they taught you *something* about how arguments are supported….

          • Name calling? I said your “supporting commies”, not that you were one.
            But since you seem to have self-adopted the pronoun………..OK. (I personally thought you were just a schill for left wing media to get more clicks.)
            And you say I don’t have proof…. Of what? “Witch winds”, or that fires rage every time they blow?
            Or that government incompetence costs people their life’s?
            OK, see below.

      • Hey, if you want to believe that CNN and government spokesmen are telling nothing but the unvarnished truth, I can’t stop you. You’ll just dismiss my sources, so what’s the point of providing them?

        At this point, the score for being correct is something like
        Conspiracy Nuts: 237,068
        Official Narrative: 3

        • “I don’t bother to cite sources because people who don’t buy into conspiracies don’t believe me, so there’s no point.” That’s not logic, that’s just lazy. Or maybe you don’t have confidence in your sources and don’t want them looked at critically?

          • No, it’s that I’ve seen you argue before. How do I cite the thousands of blog posts, social media posts, news articles, and knowledge of broad patterns that keep playing out time after time in different variations across time and space. I can’t. And even if I did, you’d dismiss it. I’m not going to waste the time debating with someone with a history of not being willing to listen.

            Take my original post at face vale of some anon on the internet, and watch to see how it plays out. In the meantime, don’t forget your covid and flu shots.

            • Funny that you mention patterns. Have you noticed how there are patterns here? As in regardless of the subject, if something bad is happening it’s the fault of liberals. Sure, everybody has a bias, but at some point you have to ask yourself, is it really possible that liberalism, the ideology that brought us the Enlightenment and the Declaration of Independence, is so consistently on the side of evil?

              It’s not that I don’t listen or consider alternatives. Reading this blog’s comments section is itself an exercise in considering alternative viewpoints. But when those viewpoints are more rhetoric than data, or based on “news” sources that have a clear financial benefit from pushing a particular agenda, yes, I disregard them. Hence the ask for sources.

              And just as a reminder for those who say I’m just a liberal troll: I’m here because I met Joe back in the 90’s shooting plates league at WSI in Bellevue. I’ve been part of the gun community since I was a teenager, and continue to be a supporter of RKBA. I just happen to come at it from a traditional Mill/Locke style of liberalism that apparently grates the nerves of many here.

              • [L]iberalism, the ideology that brought us the Enlightenment and the Declaration of Independence, is so consistently on the side of evil?
                Because today’s so called liberals reject many of the important parts of both.
                Freedom of speech? Just means support for hate.
                All men are created equal? Sort of, but minorities and women are more equal.
                Freedom of religion? If you don’t support my belief in climate change you must be ostracized.

          • The problem is that communists are brainwashed. They use the same play book over and over again.
            From the outside one starts to see the patterns rather than the actual events.
            And it’s entertaining to guess and try to figure out how their latest thing is going to play out.
            Proof is in the fact that communist do, what communist always do.
            And we already know where they’re going, and what they will do when they get there. Or us there.
            Everything else is just a matter of nuance.

          • 800k or so excess deaths in the US, an increase of ~3M in people on disability. in the last 4 years. Various estimates of 7.3M to 17M excess deaths worldwide, with 30-60M disabled and 500M to 900M injured but less severely. Ed Dowd and Dr McCullough have covered it in a number of interviews (specific estimates vary with data-sets, timeframes, and methodologies, but there isn’t any disputing the increase in excess death rates, and the total unwillingness in many places to investigate it; one short part of a Dowd interview is here: Recently posted, but from an older interview. In this one he says a total of “about 33 million Americans have been injured, disabled, or died from this vaccine in our estimate.”).

            IIRC, my most often used “over-under” was 10% of the vaccinated dead or seriously injured within 5 years, looks like we will undershoot that (thank God), but I have met a number of people at school who have had to attend an unusually high number of unexpected funerals, and observed higher rates of sickness and absenteeism among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. Lots of prayer requests for family and friends who have been suddenly diagnosed with cancer.

            It’s also apparent from the lot data that the earlier lots had more “hot lots” with high death rates, some more than a hundred attributed to a single lot. But all recorded deaths are from less than 5% of the lots. About 30% of the lots have almost zero problems reported, in line with a placebo. ~65% are more like “typical” vaccines. They clearly have either really bad QC, or they are changing the formulation (which is illegal).

            That specific prediction is still in limbo; a fair number of people are still going in for covid booster shots, so it’s not really over yet, and while we haven’t hit a million excess deaths yet we are close, cancers and clots can take time to kill, and the excess death rates are still elevated. People are learning about ivermectin and fenbendazole treatments for cancers, learning how to treat vaxx injuries, etc. Anecdotal, but everyone I know who is unvaxxed has gotten covid only a single time, but nearly all the vaxxed and boosted I know (like my sister) have gotten it multiple times.

            I do think it’s funny that you can easily see the media lies as easily as they breath on some things like gun issues, but still think they are telling the truth about so many other things.

            • “…you can easily see the media lies as easily as they breath on some things like gun issues, but still think they are telling the truth about so many other things.”

              That’s Michael Crichton’s Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect in a nutshell, and it’s not only endemic, for too many it’s the default position.

            • Unvaxxed, had it twice.

              Once at the very very very beginning, once at the very very end so most likely several mutations apart.

              • OK, that’s one.
                But considering the covid test gizmos turn positive for all sorts of things (high rate of false positives), and the PCR tests would get cranked up to way more cycles than they should be, unless you had the more or less unique “:lost taste” symptom I would not put a lot of confidence in the diagnosis.

                  • Most people I know were taking D3, zinc, and quercetin before hand, and “horse paste” (ivermectin) once it hit. It was a three-day nothing-burger for my family. My brothers got one of the earlier versions, like a typical flu, but once they got ahold of ivermectin it largely cleared up fairly quickly.

            • {to clarify- not everyone who is estimating vax deaths in the US are claiming more than a dead at this time. Some are over, some are close, some of the older estimates are obviously lower than current, several states stopped updating their numbers so a lot of “offical” stats are skewed, and different people are using different methodologies applied to different data sources and specific time-periods. Dowd uses a lot of data from the life-insurance industry, but not exclusively. Not all countries are completely open about the data they have, and none are good about publishing death stats broken down by vax status, but even then because they said people who died within two weeks of their second jab were to be considered “unvaccinated,” the official data is heavily compromised in most countries. Raw excess deaths are likely the best numbers, but some states and countries stopped publishing that data for normal public consumption. So, many estimates ARE above 1M extra dead for the US since the vax rollout, it’s not unanimous, nor confirmed officially, but still highly probable we are over than number by now.]

      • ” Love to see some reputable sources”.
        And then you link the Atlantic? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh please!

      • Great part near the end. (paraphrased) “the criminals, looters, and bad guys know the police won’t show up, and they are taking full advantage of it…. And the locals are starting to figure that out too. Going to get Mad Max soon, where it isn’t there already…. Fire is a Hell of a weapon.”

        • Thanks for the link, I watched it. Bracken – correctly, I think – calls LA “a harbinger of new criminality.” Fire as a weapon, wielded by invaders, to support their political efforts and criminal activities.

          Southern California, and places like it, are facing a very difficult, and potentially impossible, future. Those who a̶b̶a̶n̶d̶o̶n̶e̶d̶ escaped Cali to Texas, Florida, SC, NC, Idaho, etc. over the past few years did so with a positive outlook, seeking better run places with more opportunities; those who leave now – “fire refugees” – won’t be the same, they’ll leave because they have no other choice and they’ll just be “looking for better Democrats to vote for.”

          SoCal – and larger California and PacWest in general – is trapped by its own culture without much in the way of options. I’m not convinced the other 47 are smart enough, or willing to expend enough effort, to resist the metastasizing cancer that’s going to spread. It will be interesting at the very least. As our host often says, “prepare accordingly.”

          • Ya, Bracken calls a lot of stuff well in advance. Read his books if you can.
            He’s out front of Alex Jones on a lot of this stuff.

        • Don’t need a big fire to not have the police show up. Everyone is their own first responder. Too bad it is illegal in CA.

  4. Hey Johnny.
    Do we have proof that Joe Biden is senile?
    That the left wing media refuse to report on things or narratives that don’t suit them?
    That gay pride is just the final stage of pedophile acceptance?
    Is this proof?
    “Those 60 engines sent yesterday to the Cali fires are not on the fire lines…yet. They’ve been ordered to submit to a DOT inspection in Sacramento that’s scheduled for 4:30 pm today. If they clear the inspection, they’ll THEN be able to drive 400 miles to Pacific Palisades. Talk about “looking a gift horse in the mouth.” Then, on the way home, they get inspected again, and if they get red tagged, it’s “fix it before you can return.”
    And only having 11 grade education (OK, maybe that’s a stretch), has shown me I need to seek out people much smarter than I am. Then test if what they say is true.
    So, from Vox Day:
    “The sad reality is that you get the government you tolerate. There is no point in just trying to go along to get along, because sooner or later, a wicked or incompetent government is going to destroy your life, your liberty, and your property. And it doesn’t really matter if it’s evil, stupid, or as in most cases, both.
    Convergence always results in incompetence. Always, and every single time. Because convergence eliminates an organization’s ability to perform its core functions”.
    (True all that. Seen it with my own eyes.)
    “I wouldn’t blame the Oregon fire chiefs if they said, “fine, never mind,” and ordered the fire trucks to return to Oregon.”
    The problem is California probably wouldn’t mind either.
    If you need proof? Just look around you. If communism in this country gets more in your face, you’re going to be kneeling in front of a ditch.
    (Remember what Yuri said, “Useful idiots go first”.)

    • More for Johnny.
      “Funny that you mention patterns. Have you noticed how there are patterns here? As in regardless of the subject, if something bad is happening it’s the fault of liberals. Sure, everybody has a bias, but at some point you have to ask yourself, is it really possible that liberalism, the ideology that brought us the Enlightenment and the Declaration of Independence, is so consistently on the side of evil?”
      OK, So now your conflating modern liberalism that’s been mostly co-opted by the communists to men that declared Independence from the British crown, then took up arms to kill the tyrants and free themselves?
      Then you want to be taken serious? Seriously????
      Dude, I’m starting to feel sorry for you now. I mean, that’s some twisted, bloody, mental gyrations you got going there.

      • What percentage of people who today call them selves liberals do you think advocate for communism?

        • Most all.
          Go read the points about communism read into the congressional record in the 60’s. What communism wanted to do in America to conquer it. Almost every one of them is championed by the liberals of today.

          Just like Hank Archer said above.
          “[L]iberalism, the ideology that brought us the Enlightenment and the Declaration of Independence, is so consistently on the side of evil?
          Because today’s so called liberals reject many of the important parts of both.
          Freedom of speech? Just means support for hate.
          All men are created equal? Sort of, but minorities and women are more equal.
          Freedom of religion? If you don’t support my belief in climate change you must be ostracized.
          He’s spot on.

          • “Most all.”

            Seattle’s a very liberal city by most definitions, but only a fraction of the folks here are even within pissing distance of wanting communism lite, much less actually advocating for the real thing. The Sawant crowd had a few years around the mid 20-teens into 2021 or so, and have now been cast out of office at multiple levels. So when you say “most all” are communists, I’m going to point to the popular vote in Seattle and say that if in this lefty city the actual communists can’t stay in power, it’s pretty clear that not only are the liberals who support communism *not* “most all,” but in fact are “a small fraction.”

            And then just anecdotally I note that in my former business, “tech”/software, the vast majority are socially quite liberal, but not one of them wants communism or anything like it. They’re busy making fortunes for themselves, while at the same time pushing for gay rights and the like.

            Just not seeing it. I get that the right-wing “news” outlets scream about the commie threat constantly, but from what I can tell it’s just fear-mongering. Trump even managed to pull in a significant portion of normally democratic voters…are they communists? Nope. I think in reality most folks are sitting in the middle like they always have, and we’re just in a media environment where the big voices make money by pointing out the latest greatest boogeyman and making everybody “pick a side” at election time. Gotta sell those ads!

            • Ok, fair enough, and a good point. Most people aren’t communists, and don’t actively want communism.
              In fact 85% of all people are just exactly what you tell them to be.
              That’s how countries become and stay communist.
              Most Venezuelans aren’t communist either. Most Germans were only Nazi’s because that’s how you get by in a Nazi government. Just like most Cubans.
              Were herd animals and I’m as guilty as the rest for not doing better in my life.
              And I pray you will.
              That being said. They sure as hell ain’t the people that wrote/fought and died for the Declaration of Independence either.
              And the modern liberal is pretty much just a communist without the handle.
              AOC would argue you into the ground that she’s not a communist also. All the while raking in the big bucks. Bernie and the bro’s? Same-same.
              Go read the congressional record. Homo-sex is one of the communist big tools. Along with ugly art and crappy music, (rap anyone?)
              As for our forefathers being liberal? They would have considered most people in Seattle as tory’s at best.
              Enemies of liberty none the less.

              “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
              ― Samuel Adams

        • Maybe they think they don’t advocate for communism? Well, the LA liberals elected Karen Bass. They knew she was a communist (at least fifteen trips to Cuba, where it is reported that she trained alongside future members of two domestic terror groups) and voted for her anyhow.

          • Pretty hard to claim LA voters actually knew. From what I can tell perusing the news about her, those Cuba trips were in the 1970s when she was just out of college and “acting radical.” Leon Panetta was there too in the same “brigade,” but doesn’t get tarred with the “communist” brush because everybody gets that stupid shit you do in your 20s isn’t generally representative of the rest of your life. (If your house isn’t made of glass, feel free to throw stones)

            From what’s available in the Google I’m getting the impression it came up rarely if at all, and most voters were entirely unaware of it.

            If anybody here actually lives in California and can attest differently, I’d love to hear about it.

    • I had a cop friend that was going to go down to New Orleans to help out after Katrina. Then he found out he would be disarmed.

  5. Lots of disaster issues still coming for SoCal – watch what happens when the first heavy rains hit. And there’s still at least 3 months of rainy season to come.

    • Yup, The mudslides cometh. And you don’t want to get caught camping next to the LA river when they do.
      The flood back in the 70’s sent 5ft. walls of mud down 1/4-mile-wide canyons at the head of the LA basin. (Yucaipa).
      Washed out the chicken ranches so bad they found drowned chicken all the way to the coast.
      Plus, people’s crap.

  6. Pingback: Instapundit » Blog Archive » GETTING A FEEL FOR THE SIZE OF THE CALIFORNIA DISASTER:  Great Los Angeles Fire.

  7. Underground bunkers? Maybe if they’ve been designed for fires, otherwise they become ovens and tombs unopened for centuries, or at least until someone goes digging for the contents.

    • No trees for 100 feet, short grass over two feet of dirt, over a concrete shell, metal shutters over the windows, and they would be fine if they shut off the ventilation for a few hours during the fire. If they had a well and a generator, run a sprinkler over the generator and well. Then, they would not even be inconvenienced by having to haul water after the fire.

      Do the math on the heat transfer through the dirt.

  8. That chart appears to compare all the countryside burned in California to the area of _only_ Chicago burned October 8–10, 1871. I could not find a reference for how far that fire spread into the countryside, but there were several other large fires on the same dates, spread by the same hard dry wind, but mostly unnoticed by the big city newspapers. 1.5 million acres of Wisconsin and over 2.5 million acres of Michigan burned. In Michigan, Holland and Manistee on the Lake Michigan shore, and Port Huron and Alpena on the Lake Huron shore were burned. There is a story of a passenger train that raced through forest burning on both sides, over burning ties, to reach a bridge and stop over the middle of a river – the train burned and the passengers and crew had to get down in the water, but everyone survived!

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