Quote of the Day
How about this? You can have any gun you’re willing to be shot with.
“Excellent choice, sir. Before I ring it up, just one small formality. Please go and stand in front of that wall…”
Gethsemane Tilset (@djapn)
Tweeted on September 26, 2022
As if guns were designed to be harmless when they hit their target. They really are that stupid. Or they are pushing a mindset intended to make effective self-defense nearly impossible? Nerf and Airsoft guns are all you need, right?
I find it interesting this user still exists on X but has zero followers and has no posts. Draw whatever conclusions you want from that.
Well, if that applies universally, to the state as well, and all their weapons, then maybe we can talk.
Remember, the central tenet of the Democrats campaign last year was that Trump and MAGA are a fascist threat to democracy and the country as a whole. He is going to create concentration camps for his political enemies. Simultaneously, as he and the MAGA movement assume power, citizens need to be stripped of any ability to own any weapons that would put them on equal footing with the government.
Yeah, okay. Makes total sense.
It’s all about the current news cycle and the attention span of the average liberal. Trump is a fascist dictator second only to Putin or Hitler before the election, but upon winning he’s already ceded the power he’s supposedly accumulated to President-Elect Musk. Trump (the fascist) is also taking marching orders from Putin (the communist), and is ready to give up all of Ukraine to his bosom buddy in Russia, but then it turns out the Putin doesn’t like the terms of the peace agreement that he (Putin) supposedly dictated to Trump! The MSM is so extraordinarily screwed up they can’t even keep their lies straight.
My wife was watching Rachel Madcow the other day (while I was trying to hold in the puke). Madow was going on and on about the violent Jan 6 offenders and their likelihood for pardon. No mention of the pedophiles and violent criminals that Biden just pardoned. Or the blanket pardon he’s considering for all those who suppressed investigations into Biden’s seedy business dealings.
Yaaa, and now about that electric truck you want to buy. You need to be knocked down and run over by it before we can let you take it home.
It’s for the children, you understand.
Want a bullet proof vest? Put on this floor model and let the salesman shoot you.
Want airbags and seatbelts? Strap yourself down and do a freeway speed rollover into a concrete wall before you buy.
Arms, i.e. weapons, are supposed to be dangerous to the intended target. It’s literally their raison d’être. When force is needed and necessary, weapons are there to provide that force.
For all the statists/anti-gunners trying to turn the “dangerous and unusual” standard into the “dangerous OR unusual” standard, then deeming everything dangerous so it can be banned, we have to subtract the intentional dangerousness from the universe of unintentional dangerousness.
So, supposing that the legal standard somehow degenerated to only the “dangerous” criteria, a dangerous weapon would be one that would injure anyone but the intended target, or was incapable of of being aimed with specificity by a competent user, or otherwise was inherently difficult to control (i.e. actual accidental discharge). If none of these are true, then all harms are the responsibility of the bearer, and those harms are either negligence, criminal or appropriate.
So, with regard to the titanic ignoramus quoted above, yes, I’d like to purchase a weapon that will do harm specifically to that which it aimed at, that I can aim at a legitimate target, and won’t go off until I make it do so. How does this nincompoop pointing it at a illegitimate target (me) and firing it when I don’t want it to be fired make any kind of rational point? If he’s trying to demonstrate when to use a firearm by presenting himself as an imminent threat and legitimate target, well done, but I suspect he’s not used to the concept of having immediate personal consequences for his actions.
Somewhat related, a few months ago, I took my daughter pistol shopping. As she was trying different models out, and doing the necessary manipulations, she muzzle swept the clerk on the other side of the counter. I know the pistol was unloaded, and he knew the pistol was unloaded, but I told her, “Hey, keep that pointed in a safe direction. You just swept that guy.”
The clerk said, “It’s OK, we’re used to it.”
I responded, “But I’m not going to let her get used to it.”
Or the way they write laws these days: How about this? You can sell any gun you’re willing to be shot with.
They couldn’t make headway attacking the right of people to own guns. So the new tactic is to attack the dealers who sell them and starve the market that way.
That certainly seems to be the attitude in Washington State these days.
These criminals really need to be prosecuted.
Just more proof that there is no shortage of morons on the planet…..
Off-topic, but hey, Monday is coming…
I referenced that same study back in June: Trust the Science!