One thought on “Love Gov: The Series

  1. Me: I can’t believed it increased by 1500%!
    Professor: I am sick and tired of hearing about BITCOIN! Nothing can increase by that much and still be a good investment . . .
    Me: I was talking about the price of college tuition since 1980.

    This was a caption to an interesting picture sent by a brother, followed by the comments posted below from another brother.

    The one time I actually spoke during my stint in student govt at (University) was in response to a motion that we pass a resolution advocating for govt loans and grants to pay college tuition. “It will give us the time we need to study in our courses and excel in our college education.”
    I stood up and said that all that would happen is that the extra availability of money would do is increase the cost of education by 10x it’s current rate.
    The response was, “Oh, no, they wouldn’t do that to us!”
    My counter was, “It’s not what ‘they would do’, it’s basic economics.”
    Well, the resolution passed with maybe 3 dissents.
    I watched that idiot’s career. In 30 years in the Idaho legislature, he managed to never learn a blasted thing. Advocating for and voting on more govt money for every conceivable ill.
    I’m of the opinion that student govt should be banned in educational institutions unless they pay for their antisocial habit out of their own pockets

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