This makes me very uncomfortable:
Russian warship ‘fires at German helicopter’ as WW3 tensions continue to rise
A Russian warship has reportedly fired warning shots at a German reconnaissance helicopter mid-flight over the Baltic Sea
I’m not sure what to make of all the headlines talking about WW III:
- Map Shows Safest US States to Live During Nuclear War
- Here’s How Bad a Nuclear War Would Actually Be | TIME
- UK armed forces chief warns world on brink of third nuclear age
- NATO Facing ‘Dawn of Third Nuclear Age’ — Top UK Admiral
- Map Shows Safest Countries if There Is Nuclear War and Famine – Newsweek
- Map Shows Safest US States to Live During Nuclear War
- Nuclear Bomb Map Shows Impact of Russian Weapons on Major US Cities
My first impulse is that sensationalism gets clicks, so this is mostly clickbait. But it does not take much thought to convince myself this is far more serious than ordinary clickbait. But what is the actual risk? Are we talking things going sparkly in the next week/month/year? Or is this going to be a bunch of saber rattling and chest thumping for a while before everyone backs down and claim they won the confrontation?
I want to be in an underground bunker in Idaho until this all gets sorted out.
The Official Narrative being pushed is that RUS is the big bad enemy, and anything done to oppose them is reasonable. They are prepping public opinion to accept them escalating to nukes. Some in the Deep State think the only way out of the bind they are in with Trump and the faction supporting him is go all in and start a nuclear war. Then they have something obvious to blame the imploding economy, debt default, and large numbers of excess deaths on.
Huh. In coincidental timing, after posting this I saw this posted at Vox’s place. Yes, stories like you linked to are part of the broader effort at narrative-building and censorship that Vox’s post talks about.
For my purposes it doesn’t much matter whether Germany was “shot” at or was doing the “shooting.” And to a certain extent, it doesn’t much matter if anything at all happened. What matters is that tension is increasing and the increased likelihood of war widening to directly include NATO.
Nobody was shooting, as we define it. Firing a flare is a universal “back off” signal when someone is maneuvering aggressively but not violently. Since the corporate media was unspecific, I can only speculate. So the Germans could have been hovering and taking pictures of whatever the Russians had on deck or buzzing or perhaps making dummy attack runs. The last would be quite dangerous. Whole thing is neocon clickbait.
NATA, Joe? A Freudian slip for, North Atlantic Treaty Assholes?
It was a flare. All the news accounts are very vague about the circumstances. Makes me suspicious.
Very Gulf-of-Tonkinesque, then.
They are Germans so Gleiwitz-like. I am so old I remember the Gulf of Tonkin. Believed it then but no more.
This could be another Gleiwitz incident, or considering that we don’t know the German Army can beat the
Russian Army (can we still call it the Red Army when it seems so moth-eaten?) it may be the Germans were suspicious about what the Russians were doing and this might be a replay of whatever the Red Army gave as an excuse to attack Finland.
At this precise moment, it looks like our attention should be tangentially upon Syria, and primarily upon Georgia.
Bracken point to nat.gas deposits in the black sea, and it *does* appear that the next Newland color rev target is Georgia. It’s a hard sell, though: Unlike Ukraine, Georgia isn’t much of a threat to NATO sans Turkeye, and Turkeye has a history of going off the NATO res. A russian invasion of Georgia will not produce the response from Poland that it did in Ukraine.
I wonder what the situation would be if:
American leadership could be convinced, and fully adopt, a basic principle that “Russia and America are, if not parallel, at least asymptotic, and not necessarily completely opposite and adversarial, and;
Russia could be convinced, and fully adopt, the same concept regarding America.
It would, certainly, never become a “hand-holding Kumbaya thing of the ages” but our national interests do overlap, and there are facets of each country that would benefit the other. Nationalism would not, and never should, go away, but opportunities for partnership do exist, often in the most unlikey places.
I very seriously doubt anything like what I described above is possible, but if even a few baby steps toward it could be achieved, and achieved honestly, it would be interesting.
99.99% of the time events like these are ‘chest thumping’. They aren’t actually serious other than in the appearance. Unfortunately history shows that on occasion incidents like these will sometimes grow legs of their own. They grow and create even more friction leading to actual war. Is it likely this time? Probably not. But it is possible. And the next incident might be the one that triggers something much worse.