Gun Laws and Violent Crime

Quote of the Day

I’m not buying a Kirkland MP5 at Costco.

I prefer to buy my submachine guns from the vending machine at the gas station.

September 7, 2024
Comment to Prosecutors Call for AID for ATF

I am reminded that my brother purchased his first gun, a brand new .357 Magnum revolver, at a grocery store in Moscow, Idaho.

I also remember when guns were sold in the Sears, Roebuck and Company catalog and would be delivered via the U.S. Postal Service. I do not remember anyone buying a gun from the catalog, but I remember seeing the guns in the catalogs. At that time machine guns were also available.

The violent crime rate must have been out of control, right?

Here is the US violent crime rate by year from 1960 to 2008 (via Copilot, I don’t know why it would not produce data for any years past 2008):

The Gun Control Act of 1968 ended mail order sales of guns. That really put a dent in the violent crime rate, huh? And how about that “assault weapon ban” from 1994 to 2004? Yeah baby! That was some good lawmaking there.

I look forward to the return of the state of gun laws prior to not just 1968, but 1934. As I have stated before, my goal is to have machine gun shooting sports in high schools in less than ten nine years.


5 thoughts on “Gun Laws and Violent Crime

  1. Mail order guns. One communist shoots the President with one, then other communists punish a bunch of people who didn’t do it. Sort of a template for gun control in general.

  2. And it’s almost like our communist government is the real criminals and want to protect all their commie/criminal friends by disarming you.
    Nay, they would never do that to us. We’re their workforce, right?
    Maybe the question we should be asking is why communist policies that work for nothing but our destruction are the only choices presented? Only one’s were allowed to make?
    What that turd with mustard or ketchup?
    I don’t what a turd.
    Sorry, all you get. Mustard, ketchup or plain?
    Kamala or Trump/with a side of RFK jr.?
    We have all the facts, figures, statistics, law, history, engineering, the good, true, and beautiful on our side.
    They got turds.
    And yet were one or two SCOTUS seats away from total communist gun control?
    Lyle is right. Something much deeper is going on.

  3. The other day I stopped by a local gun store (having a retirement sale) and spotted a small .22 rifle. The tag, and the marking on the barrel, said it was made by K-Mart. Neat. It was cheap, too.
    They also offered a 1943 rifle by Smith-Corona, not cheap at all. Neat also, though what I really want is the same model but as built by IBM. Just because for a computer geek that’s just seriously weird and fun.

  4. Those of us who can remember life before the GCA of 1968 are all old…and getting older. Even those who remember a time before the Hughes Amendment are getting gray. Soon there won’t be anyone left who can remember the relative freedom of that time. That makes it easier for the criminal communist left to impose their disarmament schemes because the young people of today simply don’t know what actual freedom is.

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