Quote of the Day
A lot of people foolishly believe that the gun control movement’s motivation is a misguided but good faith desire to stop criminal violence.
While that’s true of some people who have been personally affected by gun-related crime, for the party leaders and financiers of the left, it’s not really true. If stopping crime were the big concern, they wouldn’t embrace so many policies that quickly release violent criminals back into society.
Criminal violence isn’t the real target, the fact that broad gun ownership is a check on the erosion of other liberties is. What is happening in the UK and Brazil right now is much harder to do in the US. Millions being armed is a major deterrent to it.
Everything the modern American Democrat party does makes sense when you realize the goal is to turn us into docile and harmless western europeans.
Kostas Moros @MorosKostas
Posted on X on September 1, 2024
And what happens after becoming “docile and harmless western Europeans”?
Prepare and respond appropriately.
I just make it a point to repeat the old question:
“What is it they intend to do to us that they can’t do until they disarm us?”
The complete and total mandated door to door rounding up and literal compete and total extermination of the entire population of the United States that owns a gun, used to own a gun, the literalcomplete and total extermination of the entire population of the United States in a gun owning household including the rounding up and compete extermination of every child of every gun owner by going to all the schools and rounding them up on buses to be taken to places to be executed. BATF would love that job. As well as the complete and total mandated Extermination of the entire population of the United States that does not own guns that opposes or resists any of the above. And that’s just the gun part. Thar does not include the compete and total mandated extermination of the entire population that voted for Trump as well as the Complete and total extermination of the entire population that is a registered Republican. And again the complete and total Extermination of the entire population of the United States that is not a registered Republican or voted for Trump that opposes that. Along with the compete and total extermination of the entire Population of the United States that opposes the democrats in any way shape or form. And don’t forget anyone who has any conservative or libertarian values. Even if it mean having to literally exterminate 90% + of the population of the United States to do it.
We have guns. They have thousands of nuclear weapons, an extreme visceral hatred of the United States and its people to the point where they right now want nothing less than the complete and total literal extermination of the entire population of the United States that opposes or resists them or does not think like them and believe it is better for the United states to be nuclear carpet bombed; literally killing every single solitary living thing in the United States, Except themselves of course, than them not ruling it. To them the best thing for the country would be for every single solitary person in the United States except for themselves and illegals to die and import 300 million illegals to replace the dead population.
So when you wonder why they are so hell-bent on banning guns, that’s why. They hate you and want you dead. They hate every gun owner and want every gun owner dead. They hate every Trump voter and want every Trump voter dead. They hate every Republican and want every Republican dead. They hate everyone in the United States that does not think an act and have the exact same opinions they do and want them dead.
And don’t expect the courts to save us.
I fully expect the Democrats to have complete and total permanent power and control. And I expect them to use that power to implement everything I just said. I fully expect the United States government to deploy nuclear weapons On American soil the American people kill hundreds of millions of Americans. Because they want that.
A meme that consistently rolls across my feeds (paraphrased):
As to the question — And what happens after becoming “docile and harmless western Europeans”? — look at what’s happening now in western Europe. After becoming “docile and harmless western Europeans”, they’ll import millions of non-docile, non-harmless migrants from everywhere else in the world (violating their own immigration laws to do so), and “fundamentally transform” their electorate.
Actually, that’s already happening here with our wide-open borders, courtesy of “border czar” Kamala Harris, and the push for a “pathway to citizenship” and voting rights for illegal immigrants, courtesy of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The question is, when will We The People decide enough is enough?
And something else we should sink into our thick skulls and get with the program is: They don’t care about law. They violate it whenever it suits them.
Two-teired justice system aside.
Why should I care what the constitution says they can do? If they’re not going to care what the constitution says I can do?
To me, that’s an important distinction also.
Were no longer ruled by law and justice, but by fear.
And were much more fearsome than they ever can be.
Here’s my take: The Constitution — including the Bill of Rights — is a covenant between We The People and the government that is supposed to represent us.
They want to do away with it because they think it’s purpose is to protect us from them, and they assume that without it, they can do whatever they want to us. But they’re only half right.
The other half they forget, is that it also protects them from us, and without it, we can do whatever we want to them. Because that’s the nature of covenants; the protection offered and agreed upon goes both ways.
They’re playing with fire if they think overriding or nullifying the Constitutional covenant will work solely in their favor. They can’t strip away our legal protections without nullifying their own, and I seriously doubt they’ll like the result.