Allied With the Criminals

Quote of the Day

Incredibly, only about 8% of violent crimes [reported and unreported] in those cities result in someone being arrested. Only 1% of property crimes, both reported and unreported, result in arrests. These are just mind-boggling numbers. When criminals have a 92% chance of not being arrested, prosecuted or convicted, they don’t fear the consequences of committing more crimes.

The irony is that, as Biden refuses to criticize these district attorneys who are refusing to prosecute violent criminals, he also wants to make it more difficult and costly for law-abiding citizens to be able to protect themselves.

John R. Lott, Jr.
August 23, 2024
Shooting Straight with John Lott | An Official Journal Of The NRA (


Criminals have a 99% chance of getting away with property crimes. It is almost as if the politicians are communists and believe these criminals are their natural allies against property owners.

Prepare appropriately.


7 thoughts on “Allied With the Criminals

  1. Thus have criminals always been the allies of those seeking power over their fellows.
    See, I told you you’re going to need my protection. You’re lucky it was just your windows. You wouldn’t believe how many arsonists are running loose around here.
    25% sound reasonable?
    And you got daughters too? There are some real animals walking these streets.
    Oh, that 25% is due now.
    Government run extortion. With badges, guns, and fancy cars to back them up.
    Governments are every bit as bad as you will allow.
    When a gang forces you to the side of the road and steals your money at gun point, it’s armed robbery. Highway robbery.
    If a cop forces you off the road, and takes your money cause the dog smelled something? (Maybe you dropped a ham sandwich between the seats?). It’s forfeiture. All legal like.
    Your reasonableness toward all things legal is only seen as weakness to be taken advantage of. And they always do. It’s the nature of the insect.
    Just think how long it’s been going on behind the scenes, for it to be so bold and in your face today?
    Hell, were worried about being called racist, by murders. But heaven forbid you “taking the law in your own hands”.
    Same rackets been used on us since the tower of Babel.
    I keep thinking Gods waiting for us to catch on. Think we ever will?

    • Yes, this, exactly.
      We live in a total surveillance society. They can solve almost any crime they want to. The fact that they don’t so often means that it’s being weaponized against us tax-farmed proles.

      As you say, “prepare accordingly.”

  2. That John Lott sees any irony here whatsoever is troubling. It shows that, as close as he may be to the main point, he utterly fails to see it.

    The other possibility, and it is a distinct one, is that he pretends not to see it, that he is an agitator, being every bit as much of an agitator as any extreme leftist promoting social unrest in the name of “equity”. For there must be agitators on both “sides” in order to make full-blown civil unrest a reality. For how can Lott have parked himself so close to the truth of the matter for so long and still be so blind to it as to believe that he sees irony here?

    Therefore I see him as running interference. Like any Republican or NRA president, he’s been calling attention to the problem, but offering nothing but an alternate explanation for it. That alternate explanation is, has been, and apparently always will be, the incompetence of the left rather than planned, coordinated, and well-executed enemy action.

    I’ll say it as often as it needs to be said; For a bunch of blithering, slobbering, ignorant and mentally retarded incompetents, the Romish left has done an amazingly good job of consolidating power, expropriating our resources, and demoralizing and controlling much of the world’s the population!

    So, is Lott, and are the Republicans and the NRA, really so stupid as to believe that incompetence is what’s been gaining ground, winning for the last 130+ years? Are they really that blind? Or should we give them any credit at all for intelligence and therefore conclude that they are complicit, that they are playing an assigned role as the antithesis to the Romish, Jesuitical left’s thesis, working in concert toward a mutually pre-determined synthesis?

    • Could be they don’t care as long as there’s a good living in it?
      Which is what passes for what, 95% of academic work these days?
      Seems to me most know, but just don’t care that were going to hell in a hand basket. As long as it’s a cushy ride. Their good.
      Anyway, welcome back buddy!
      Hope they haven’t been work’in ya to hard.

  3. “crimes [reported and unreported]”

    Hate to be a picky shit but if these crimes are “unreported” exactly how is it possible to use them to come up with the percentages beinq quoted. Accuracy
    and logic are important. For BOTH sides.

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