Sign It and Spread the Word

Do you remember Judge Abena Darkeh? She is the judge who said,

Do not bring the Second Amendment into this courtroom. It doesn’t exist here. So you can’t argue Second Amendment. This is New York.

There is now a petition to demand her removal from her position. She should be prosecuted and sent to prison, but taking a baby step is better than nothing at all.

Sign it and spread the word.


4 thoughts on “Sign It and Spread the Word

  1. The State of New York does not have a judicial system. They have a corrupt circus at all levels.

  2. I have not witnessed anything more egregious than her display of total disregard for the document she has sworn an oath to uphold.
    She clearly does not have the ability to comprehend the English Language. She SWORE AN OATH, to defend The Constitution, and then blatantly disregards it. Sorry, you’re either a liar, or too stupid to be a judge. Either way, your ass is off the bench. Same goes for that Bint on the Supreme Court that noticed the 1st Amendment really screws up the Government’s censorship plans. Literally the whole fucking point… and you swore you would uphold that law? If you cannot or choose not to see the obvious conflict, you’re not suitable for the position. Period.

  3. There is widespread nullification of the 2A by the Feds, a number of states and lower court judges. And the Supreme Court sits there sucking its thumb. Witness its recent refusal to stay the Maryland “assault weapons” ban. Meanwhile, millions of people in Maryland and elsewhere are deprived of fundamental rights. This is evidently less important than the precious judicial process.

  4. What has “change dot org” ever accomplished? Nothing. It’s just another “feel good” pressure outlet.

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