Quote of the Day
British opinions on gun control stopped being relevant in 1776.
Louis vil LeGun @LouisvilleGun
Profile on X as of 2023
Good point.
British opinions on gun control stopped being relevant in 1776.
Louis vil LeGun @LouisvilleGun
Profile on X as of 2023
Good point.
British opinions on anything stopped being relevant in 1776.
Oh, I think their opinions mattered a little bit right up until they scrapped their last battleships and battlecruisers. They needed those to maintain access to the shipping lanes for the trade of their globe-spanning empire. No more empire, no more battleships, no more ocean-bestriding opinion.
A subject can not understand what it means to be a citizen any more than dog can understand a wolf. One has a master, the other does not.
Still to this day, as it was for our forefathers. BFYTW. To king or peasant alike.