Chicago Arrest Rate is 5%

Quote of the Day

The decision to commit a crime in Chicago has never been easier. Criminals are almost guaranteed to profit because the chances of getting caught and punished have collapsed to near-zero.


Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner
September 5, 2023
Chicago criminals have green light to rob, loot, burgle as odds of punishment collapse to near zero.

It seems all the major “blue” cities are getting overrun by criminals. And those criminals are not just the politicians. The criminal politicians appear to be deliberately catering to their constituents, the thugs, to the detriment of the peaceable citizens.

I just want retreat to my underground bunker in Idaho for a decade or two and wait for things to get better.


3 thoughts on “Chicago Arrest Rate is 5%

  1. Ya, and we all know how far it is from arrest to conviction. Then prison and probation?
    At this point blue state court systems, (I can’t bring myself to use the word justice here.) are nothing more than a un-equal, affirmative action jobs program for the criminally insane. And I do mean everyone involved in it.
    Ol’ Remus was ahead of his time with; “Stay away from crowds”.

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