Boomershoot 2023 update

Last week I met with my cousin Alan to finalize a verbal agreement on the new target location for Boomershoot:

The area in red on the upper left used to extend down the hill for about 75 yards. Due to some changes in the Conservation Reserve Program (or the enforcement there of) we are unable to use this area anymore. At the suggestion of Bill W. (THANK YOU Bill, that was a great idea!), I negotiated the rental of the area to the right of that area on the hillside. That deal has been finalized and we are good to go for 2023.

Another thing previous Boomershoot attendees might notice is the area we call “The Tree Line”, at about 375 yards from the shooting line, has a lot fewer trees and no brush. Last summer Alan cleaned up the property line. This allows for better weed control and less moisture consumption.


4 thoughts on “Boomershoot 2023 update

  1. Pingback: Deer Revenge | The View From North Central Idaho

  2. “Verbal” agreement? Was that oral or written? I suspect you meant “oral”. But these days, nobody wants to use that for the spoken word. “HEH HEH – he said oral.”

    Yeah, pet peeve. 🙂

    • It was tentative via email. We finalized the details in person.

      Sorry for the sloppy, incorrect wording.

  3. Ohh, I like the new spot to the right! Looking forward to that in ’24!

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