Quote of the day—Nick Wilson

At this point, we don’t know just how big of a deal Bruen is. Is it an existential threat to all our laws? … There are so many unanswered questions at this time.

Nick Wilson
Senior director for gun violence prevention at the Center for American Progress
November 27, 2022
[If he really doesn’t know “how big of a deal Bruen is” then he is in massive denial.

I have questions too, but mine are along the lines of, “When are we going to start prosecuting these criminals like Wilson?”

I have some expectations of having machine gun sporting events in our high schools in a decade or so. This will be the realization of my dream as my currently youngest grandchildren enter high school.—Joe]


12 thoughts on “Quote of the day—Nick Wilson

  1. “I have some expectations of having machine gun sporting events in our high schools in a decade or so.”

    Not unless the price of ammo comes waaaaaaay down….

    I’m not a reloader, so I’m dependent on commercial ammo. Do you think prices will drop at some point? I’m still waiting for my $7 box of 9mm S&B to reappear….

  2. Read the article – it was actually journalism! No apparent bias to an anti-gun stance. Quite refreshing!

  3. “If he really doesn’t know “how big of a deal Bruen is” then he is in massive denial.”
    I’m thinking he’s just holding out hope to keep his paycheck coming.
    As leader for the “gun violence prevention at the Center for American Progress”. He’s already failed at both those things miserably. Even thick-headed morons like Bloomberg and Soro will be figuring that out soon.

  4. Look at what they see as a novel and unique problem;

    “Judges must now apply a standard “rooted in the Second Amendment’s text, as informed by history,” and “must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with the nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.” Meaning that, before the ruling they could ignore the meaning of the constitution, and did so, often and deliberately.

    In effect they’re saying, “Whaaaat?!? We must now consider the constitution? AS WRITTEN? Oh no!; this will seriously hamper our program!”

    I don’t see how that can be interpreted as anything other than a blatant admission of guilt, on someone’s part. Given, not only the constitution itself, but the very clear language of 18 USC 241 and 18 USC 242 as well, we are talking about federal crimes here, with all the implications (possibly scores of trials, disbarments, restitution for victims, class action lawsuits, prison sentences for public officials, et al).

    Law students and young attorneys take note; there’s the potential of a lifetime of work here for you, and all for the very honorable and worthy process of reinvigorating those American constitutional principles of liberty which once made the U.S. the light of the world.

    • Politicians have been admitting their contempt for the Constitution for a long time now. I like to quote Rep. Clyburn (#2 or #3 senior Dem member of the House:
      “”There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the Federal government has got anything to do with most of the stuff that we do.” — James Clyburn (D-SC)
      I should note down when and where he said that. I transcribed it from the audio recording of an interview, online.

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