Assailant with bow and arrows kills 5 people in Norway
A man armed with a bow fired arrows at shoppers in a small Norwegian town Wednesday, killing five people before he was arrested, authorities said.
The police chief in the community of Kongsberg, near the capital of Oslo, said there was “a confrontation” between officers and the assailant, but he did not elaborate. Two other people were wounded and hospitalized in intensive care, including an officer who was off duty and inside the shop where the attack took place, police said.
Almost silent and certainly deadly. These weapons of mass destruction have been available for 1000s of years. It’s long past time for civilized society to eliminate their possession by civilians. The weapons should be limited to the police and the military.
I wonder if they have universal background checks on the purchase of arrows and registration of all bows and bow owners owners. If not, are there bow safety advocates pushing for such legislation? It’s just common sense. Do it for the children. It’s a good first step.
long bow, cross bow????
Be careful with your sarcasm. Knowing that Liberalism, Progressivism, Leftism or what ever related ideology is a sign of diminished mental capacity, there will certainly be a host of such people that will not be able to understand that the idiocy of their pet control scheme is being made fun of and they will want to include archery going forward.
If you doubt that “diminished capacity” just consider British officials trying to ban knives.
I read the full article and while a crossbow was mentioned, I doubt it. Takes too long to reload and after the first victim I would think he could have been stopped. I think a compound bow.
“Aas declined to comment on reports that the man used a crossbow”
Police Chief Oeyving Aas
Reloading time doesn’t matter much when the victims are unarmed and at a distance.
Near as I can tell, he was acting in Norway, but was “Dutch,” as in “carried Dutch papers.” Apparently a member of the Religion Of Peace, and was well known to the local police. They are being very not forthcoming with name or picture, which the vast majority of the time means it is someone of a not-local-ethnicity.
Make of that what you will.
BBC says Danish (one Danish one Norwegian parent), and yes, apparent terrorism.
It also reports some really weird details:
The attack was first reported at 18:12 (16:12 GMT) on Wednesday. Police confronted the man six minutes later, but he shot several arrows at them and escaped. He was eventually caught about 30 minutes later.
It was during this time, between being first approached and then arrested, that the victims were killed, the police chief said.
A woman was also stabbed at a nearby intersection, witnesses told local media.
Police fired warning shots when he was eventually arrested, but it is not clear if officers were armed when they first came across the suspect. Norwegian police do not usually carry guns on them – weapons are stored at police stations or in their patrol cars.
So apparently the police were at first unarmed. WTFO? And when they finished excavating their weapons and found him again, they fired “warning shots” which is common European practice for “fire rounds over the bad guy, without worrying where those rounds will actually land and who or what they might hit”.
Sudden Jihadi syndrome strikes again.
Bows don’t kill people. Muslims do.
PLEASE! “People kill people.”
Note the lack of adjectives in the report. Had the perpetrator been of a lesser race, religion, ethnicity, or creed than the anointed ones who are merely identified as men or people in the media reports, the media would have done so.
As the blog “Gun Watch” displays in its right hand column,
“Note for non-American readers: Crime reports from America which describe an offender just as a “teen” or “teenager” almost invariably mean a BLACK teenager.”
“I wonder if they have universal background checks on the purchase of arrows and registration of all bows and bow owners owners. If not, are there bow safety advocates pushing for such legislation? It’s just common sense. Do it for the children. It’s a good first step.”
I absoeffinglutely guarantee that there is no shortage of mental midgets seeking AS I WRITE THIS to impose those exact “controls”. Just look at the FORMERLY “Great” Britain…..where you often need permission to buy a cooking knife.
A useful abbreviation for Formerly Great Britain might be (f)GB.
It has the additional advantage of an ambiguity with the first letter, as I’ve seen references to NYFC.