The Second Amendment Foundation is looking for 2A First Responders volunteers. They have a video advertising for people but it isn’t much more than a tease:
I sent the text message and received a link to the 2A First Responders web page which briefly describes what the program is:
Defending our Second Amendment rights depends on engaged activists like YOU, who are willing to dedicate their time and energy. The FREE 2A First Responder program seeks something more valuable than your money–it seeks your time.
This volunteer program is geared toward individuals who wish to ACTIVELY ENGAGE in the defense of their rights, who are looking to INCREASE THEIR ACTIVISM further, and who can become FORCE MULTIPLIERS by recruiting additional volunteers and building their own local networks of 2A First Responders in their communities.
If this sounds like the program for you, please click the button below and complete our brief Freedom Form to enroll. The program and everything associated with it are ABSOLUTELY FREE!
You may then Join Today and sign up for various activities in which you you have an interest. These include:
- At Home Activities (Check those that interest you):
- Send Texts
- Promote activism on your social media
- Write Letters to the Editor
- Address/Send Postcards
- Make Phone Calls to Lawmakers/Fellow Activists
- In the Field Activities (Check those that interest you):
- Canvass/Door-to-Door
- Host/Attend Text/Postcard Parties
- Attend Events/Hearings
- Visit Gun Shops, Shows, Ranges, and Clubs
- Host/Attend Phone Banks
- General Campaign Activities
I signed up for some. Please consider doing what you can.