Facebook’s ‘Ban The NRA’ page

The NRA is the nations oldest civil rights organization and there is a Facebook page with the name “Ban The NRA”. I find it interesting that Facebook allows this. Would they allow a “Ban Black Lives Matter” page? How about a “Ban Muslims” page?

Perhaps so. I’m certainly not inclined to test it and find out as I don’t have an interest in participating in that sort of movement.

It appears the ‘Ban the NRA’ page is open for anyone to comment on. Perhaps free speech is welcomed.


2 thoughts on “Facebook’s ‘Ban The NRA’ page

  1. How ’bout we have WLM show up at the NAAWP awards banquet, covered live by WET channel. To get scholarships? Because white people are racists!
    What are they going to want next, their own drinking fountains?
    Personally, I think their jealous. American took to MLK’s ideas like a bunch of ducks to water. Like the black guy said the other night. Racism, ya, there’s some around. But it’s not stopping anyone from becoming anything they want to be.

    • Unfortunately there seem to be a distressingly large number of people who want to be race baiters and bigots.

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