Via a tweet from Lucky Duck @FlyingJayDee:
From 1963 iirc.
There is a reply worthy of note from NoGunsNoAlcohol
This is actually 1964 but semantics.
Note the price in 1964, $190. It was just about then, perhaps 1965, in our part of the country earning $1000/month was considered really good money. So, the AR-15 Sporter would cost a person about a weeks pay. And so, making a few assumptions, it appears the relative price of an AR has come down some.
But the most important thing to note is that 55 years ago the AR-15 was marketed as a hunting rifle. People claiming it was designed as a weapon of war are ignorant, stupid, and/or lying.
Meanwhile, what’s a Springfield?
A true weapon of war. Also, Dad’s hunting rifle and the first center fire rifle I ever shot.
Yes Sir! The ’03 Springfield in 30’06 was a terror to anything Pa pointed it at.
But, to me its all biscuits and elk sausage gravy! Hmma good!
For comparison, a few years earlier I purchased a surplus Enfield 303 for $15. No paperwork, just cash.
Even your freaking butter knife is a “weapon of war” to this mob.
Joe when you write “People claiming it was designed as a weapon of war are ignorant, stupid, and/or lying” you are being disingenuous. Research the guns beginnings and you will learn that it was designed for infantry to use during war, not for the whitetail deer fields. Just becasue the dummies that ruin Colt every generation tried to market the AR15 as such does not mean the gun wasn’t designed for the battlefield. I own nine AR15 type rifles and “pistols”, and I do not hunt.
A 10 second Wikipedia search reveals the truth, not lies.
“In 1955, Eugene Stoner completed initial design work on the revolutionary ArmaLite AR-10, a lightweight (7.25 lbs.) select-fire infantry rifle in 7.62×51mm NATO caliber. The AR-10 was submitted for rifle evaluation trials to the US Army’s Aberdeen Proving Ground late in 1956. In comparison with competing rifle designs previously submitted for evaluation, the AR-10 was smaller, easier to fire in automatic, and much lighter. However it arrived very late in the testing cycle, and the army rejected the AR-10 in favor of the more conventional T44, which became the M14. The AR-10’s design was later licensed to the Dutch firm of Artillerie Inrichtingen, who produced the AR-10 until 1960 for sale to various military forces.
At the request of the U.S. military, Stoner’s chief assistant, Robert Fremont along with Jim Sullivan designed the Armalite AR-15 from the basic AR-10 model, scaling it down to fire the small-caliber .223 Remington cartridge, slightly enlarged to meet the minimum Army penetration requirements. The AR-15 was later adopted by United States military forces as the M16 rifle.”