If they can do this with a piece of plastic, then they’ll be able to do it with another piece of plastic and another piece of metal, another piece of plastic. And it’s just systematically taking away Second Amendment rights.
T.J. Kirgin
March 28, 2019
Bump stocks are turned in or destroyed as ban takes effect
[I have nothing to add.—Joe]
Did Trump not think about the unintended consequences of this? the 3D chess man? BAH! he just handed the left everything their little commie hearts ever dreamed of. If they can just change the definition of something, ban it, THEN MAKE YOU DESTROY IT. its done folks.
How long after trump leaves office before a 30 rnd. magazine becomes the object to set up an event that allows you to fire full-auto? thus ban-able, and must be destroyed. even my room temp. IQ can see that as “ex post facto”. a penalty after the fact. making you destroy something that was legally purchased violates every tenant we have with our government. think I’m wrong? Wait till Alexandria Occasional Cortex walks in with the “new green deal” and starts demanding you destroy your $100,000.00 car because it was made before the new pollution rules were wrote. and is now polluting. remember this is being done administratively. Who you gonna call?
From now on we live by the,”reasonableness of lawyers.” or WORSE!. good luck with that!
“…it’s just systematically taking away Second Amendment rights.
Yep, and it’s a process that’s been in effect in America for many generations.
@MTHead; don’t make the mistake of believing the Republican Party to on the side of liberty, and you won’t experience such exasperation. I wrote this to a friend the other day;
If the Republican Party for example is to be regarded as the ultimate representation, expression and indeed the very embodiment of the American Principles of Liberty and Justice, and if I didn’t know better, then I’d probably hate America too. Thus is the concept of a war of opposition by usurpation and false representation. I believe the Jesuits call it “Controlled Opposition.”
“Salvation by Party Affiliation” is simply not a thing. Refrain from investing in the ruse, and then you’ll be able to see things more objectively and without that frustration which comes from being cheated via deception. The now proverbial Red Pill is usually the hardest to swallow.
No sir Lyle, haven’t had such delusions in many moons. I just thought I might throw something at the 3D chess crowd.
Other than a hot first lady, its still the same clown show.
No one is taking this seriously enough.
It is very bad that all gun owners didn’t close ranks and stand united to oppose this.
This new ruling has huge potential for abuse.
These items are non-serialized and unregistered. You can not prove a negative.
You can not prove you didn’t buy one, you can not prove you don’t have one hidden.
Even people that own no firearms can have their doors kicked in in the middle of the night. There is no way any one can prove their innocence .
Your house could be bulldozed down and your top soil scraped off in a search for something you never had. You could be tried and incarcerated because you didn’t co-operate and lied about not possessing one.
It could be used as an excuse just to search peoples homes.
“If they can do this with a piece of plastic, then they’ll be able to do it with another piece of plastic and another piece of metal, another piece of plastic. And it’s just systematically taking away Second Amendment rights.”
That’s their plan…..and it is, for the most part, working. Gun owners have had a few successes over the years…..most notably CCW laws. But being allowed to have a “permit to carry” is pointless if those in power can essentially ban any weapon they choose….because eventually they WILL ban them all. Every time they float a law to nibble away at 2A rights gun owners MUST succeed in preventing that law from passing. They can make a HUNDRED attempts….and if they succeed only once THEY WIN. That type of scenario is untenable over time.