This is great news:
Scientists have engineered an antibody that attacks 99% of HIV strains and can prevent infection in primates.
It is built to attack three critical parts of the virus – making it harder for HIV to resist its effects.
The work is a collaboration between the US National Institutes of Health and the pharmaceutical company Sanofi.
The International Aids Society said it was an “exciting breakthrough”. Human trials will start in 2018 to see if it can prevent or treat infection.
If this works out the people of Africa will probably benefit the most, but there is no continent that won’t have significant number of lives saved if there is near universal vaccination of those at risk. And if the technology can be adapted to other viruses, even just colds and flu, it will be a significant win for humanity.
If it becomes adaptable for other viruses it will be most undervalued Nobel prize ever.
All very true. Yuge win.
Until the sole surviving supervirus kills us all.
As Glenn Reynolds says, Faster, please.
A malaria vaccine is supposedly close too. That would also save millions of lives.