Anti-gun activist pastor Michael (how does he keep his tax exempt status?) Pfleger says:
Until America is so wounded by gun violence in the white and wealthy communities, till that happens and people start voting out politicians who are owned and bought by the NRA, it’s not going to change.
As is common with these type of people they believe it is all about the money. They do not, and perhaps cannot, comprehend there are many people who are guided by things other than money. Those other things include facts, logic, and principles.
As long as these people don’t understand the motivation for people to exercise and protected their specific enumerated right to keep and bear arms they have little hope of gaining political traction.
Even if we were to grant his statement as true the facts are that violence in general is reducing as gun ownership increases. So, by his own logic, gun control is projected to be less likely in the future.
So if Pfleger keeps thinking that he’ll live the rest of his life bitter, hateful, and deluded. He’ll likely end up being one of those people that I feel sorry for as they wander around town shouting at clouds, mumbling at lamp posts, and spending their nights at homeless shelters.
Of course there is another way to interpret his words. He could be calling for people to begin shooting up “the white and wealthy communities”. If so, and he continues in that direction, then his life could have a much different, but no more pleasant, path.
Either way Pfleger and those who believe like him are on the losing side of history.
There’s a reason he’s known as ‘Snuffy’ in Chi-town.
Clinging bitterly to his anti-gun religion.
You mean hoping others cling to the religion he is selling. He would say whatever is necessary to keep his followers giving his “church” money.
Until America is so wounded by gun violence in the white and wealthy communities, till that happens and people start voting out politicians who are owned and bought by the NRA, it’s not going to change.
Does he think only white people are allowed to vote?
No, but he thinks (as LBJ did) that the Democratic party has bought the others decades ago, and that they will remain bought for the foreseeable future.
Yeah uh no. At least in my neighborhood, as soon as thugs became a problem, we’d clean them out one way or the other.
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