Barb L. and I just got back from the lumber store after purchasing 1000 stakes:
I really wanted someone to ask why we were buying so many stakes. The checkout clerk “had that look”. You just knew he was wondering but he didn’t ask.
Barb and I were ready with answers. Her answer was, “We run a tourist business of vampire hunts.”
I planned to make him work a little more and get his brain engaged before delivering the punch line. I envisioned it would go something like this:
Clerk: What are you going to do with all those stakes?
Joe: Hunting season opens next weekend in Idaho and we are going to be there for opening day.
Clerk: Okay. <pause> Uh… what are you hunting?
Joe: Vampires.
More blog posts about stake purchases and vampires are here (2006), here (2007), and here (2008). All are about this time of year and all are related to Boomershoot.
Just finished reading Larry Correia’s Monster Hunter International stories. Can’t help but think you’d be a perfect hire for MHI.
I really enjoyed all of his books I have read.
Perfect hire? Yeah, as I was reading them I kept thinking, “Where do I apply?”
If you want some variety in your reasons for buying all these stakes, you could say they’re for a high-stakes poker game….
Early Halloween preps. Burning witches at the stake.
Or having grilled steaks for dinner.
Or you are working with the cops on a really important stake-out.
I always wonder why Larry hasn’t showed up at Boomershoot yet? I’m thinking he would be a VERY popular Saturday night dinner speaker!
PS, and its a relatively easy drive for him!