According to CBS the ATF Chief Public Affairs officer sent out a memo early on the week of February 28th to all their “Public Information Officers” with the instructions:
Please make every effort for the next two weeks to maximize coverage of ATF operations/enforcement actions/arrests at the local and regional level. Given the negative coverage by CBS Evening News last week and upcoming events this week, the bureau should look for every opportunity to push coverage of good stories
It just so happens I have an subscription to some of the ATF news updates. For the entire month of February I received seven updates. During the three days of February 28, March 1, and March 2 I received eight updates. Here is a typical update.
So it appears they have Public Information Officers that can deliver when asked to. It’s good to know our government has quality people in their employee even if it is in the spin department. If they could only engage the “wash” cycle before the “spin” we would all be much better off.
**If they could only engage the “wash” cycle before the “spin” we would all be much better off.**
I disagree. They do enough, check that…TOO MUCH fact washing as it is. What we need is closer inspection of their dirty laundry before it goes into the white-washing bleach bath.
I was thinking of “washing out” 90% of the personal.
The one and only thing they could ever do right would be to close up shop and get real jobs. In the real world. Like real people. And start contributing something to society for a change. That being impossible for most of them, they could move to Cuba. Or North Korea. Which ever, and sponge off someone else.
The ATF gets involved in big street gang busts around here. I can’t fault them for that.
Not certain exactly why the batfag(ent)s would be involved in big street gang busts, ubu. Unless it was to grab a share of the headlines from the people who usually do the heavy lifting in those cases.
The ATF gets involved in big street gang busts around here. I can’t fault them for that.
BATFE agents are probably there to pick up the firearms they illegally “loaned” to the gangs, sort of like “Books on Wheels”, only with firearms instead of books.
I think we should just wash out the entire agency. There really isn’t any legitimate duty that they do that the FBI or IRS couldn’t handle. Hell, the FBI already duplicates a lot of the criminal enforcement that the ATF does.