SB 6396, the so-called “assault weapon” ban bill, died in the Senate Judiciary Committee at the policy committee cut-off. Knowing he didn’t have the votes to pass it out of committee, he didn’t even bring it up for a vote. While in Olympia earlier this week, one Senator showed me two 4″ thick binders full of e-mails opposing SB 6396. Several others mentioned similar responses. Along with the overwhelming turn-out for the public hearing last week, it’s input like this that demonstrates the strength of the gun lobby in influencing the legislative process. To paraphrase the bumper sticker, we’re ALL the gun lobby!
Joe Waldron
February 6, 2010
From GOAL (Washington State Gun Owners Action League) Post 2010-5
[This is great news. And this also backs up what Chrix Cox says.–Joe]
One of those emails is mine and I don’t even live in WA. I have homes in N. Nevada and E. Idaho.
Activism works and involvement in government works. I saw how well in the sixties—by the communists here in the US.
Now they have filled every nook and cranny of our national/state institutions with “agents”.
The Tea Party folks are an inspiration.