At the hearing on the proposed “Assault Weapons Ban” in Olympia last week someone got an education in gun rights:
Prior to the hearing, as several Open Carry activists gathered in the hallway of the John A. Cherberg Senate Office Building, Washington CeaseFire’s Ralph Fascitelli approached a member of the State Patrol’s security team and, after pointing out that there were visibly armed citizens in the building, demanded of the trooper: “Do you know if they’re loaded?”
Sources have confirmed to the Gun Rights Examiner that Fascitelli appeared both irritated and unnerved, and he wanted the State Patrol troopers to check every firearm at the door of the building to see if they were loaded. He was told by the WSP that troopers do not have the authority under state law to do that.
Apparently news of the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. constitution, the Washington State Constitution, and Heller decision hasn’t reach Mr. Fascitelli yet. This is the same guy that said anyone that uses a semi-automatic gun to hunt is “an animal assassin”. Maybe since he is from New York he is just a little “slow”. Odd, he doesn’t look that stupid:
Maybe he just thinks “those people” should just “learn their place” and he was hoping for some support by the police in teaching them a lesson. Instead he got the lesson.
I wish the WSP had just told him, “I would assume they are all loaded. Why would they carry unloaded guns around? We don’t.” Of course had he burst a blood vessel in his brain someone might have been charged with manslaughter. Just imagine the headlines–“Gun nuts kill without firing a shot” or “Looking at gun owners proves deadly”.
Still, I think that in this case the benefits of open carry proved their worth. The risk of manslaughter charges was worth the pleasure of unnerving Mr. Fascitelli and teaching him that as the board president of the anti-freedom organization Washington Ceasefire he has a long hard battle ahead of him.
I disagree. He does look stupid. 🙂
It’s also an indication that, like most gun grabbers, he has little to no knowledge of the current laws that relate to gun ownership, possession, carry, etc.
Stick around. I’ll be staring at goats later today, if you want to see something amazing.
Hey may not look stupid, but there certainly is not a whole lot going on between that man’s ears. After all, if I was going to carry an unloaded firearm, I would just as rather tote around a hammer – it would probably cause less of a stir, and I would not risk marring my firearm’s finish if I had to employ it.
In all honesty, though, it must really suck to be someone like him, coming unglued at the mere prospect of people exercising their rights in a lawful and controlled manner. He must pack a ton of extra underwear for every trip…
Stupid is as stupid does.
I suppose any killing of any animal is an “assassination”. That is, if you don’t know what the word means and you figure “assassinate” and “kill” are interchangeable. Your body’s immune system is “assassinating” microbes, then, on a constant basis just to keep you alive, you no good, low-down assassin, you. Then there are those “plant assassins” who eat only plants– total bastards who don’t recognize “plants’ rights”.
Insanity, by definition, has no boundaries, or logic constraints. I guess this is what they mean by “keeping an open mind”; they are superior in that they are not “limited” in their thinking (to logic, facts, consistency, or decency). By mid 20th century if not sooner, insanity was being openly promoted by the Left as an affront to, or protest against, “The System”.
“Sources have confirmed to the Gun Rights Examiner that Fascitelli appeared both irritated and unnerved, and he wanted the State Patrol troopers to check every firearm at the door of the building to see if they were loaded. He was told by the WSP that troopers do not have the authority under state law to do that.”
And even if they did check, so what? I suspect they would find 100% of them loaded which happens to be 100% legal.
It would also piss off a bunch of (armed) people. Who in their right mind wants to piss off a bunch of armed people? Since Fascitelli apparently wanted to do so we can figure he is _not_ in his right mind.
Mr. Fascitelli, does he LIVE in Washington state? Or is he one of those liberal out-of-staters that come along to raise the same havok that the liberals accuse the conservatives of doing?
As best I can determine he moved to the Seattle area from New York City in 2000.