Help stop the WA AWB

From Joe Waldron’s Washington State Gun Owner Action League post dated January 22, 2010:

A public hearing will be conducted on SB 6396, the so-called “assault weapon” ban bill on Tuesday, 26 January.  The hearing will take place at 10 a.m. in Senate Hearing Room “1” in the John A. Cherberg Senate Office Building on the Capitol Campus in Olympia. 
It is imperative that as many individuals as possible attend the hearing and sign in in opposition to the bill.  A sign-in sheet will be available at a side table just inside the hearing room (or if the crowd is large enough, the sign-in sheet may be outside the room in the corridor).  Sign in with your name, address and a position on the bill: “con.”  There is a place on the sign-in sheet to indicate whether or not you would like to testify.  Time is limited, so I anticipate only a few individuals will be called upon on both sides of the issue.  Who gets to testify and who does not is solely up to the committee chair (Senator Adam Kline, sponsor of the bill).
Hints on testimony:  public input is limited to three minutes or less.  Begin by stating your name and where you are from.  Personal attacks on the motives of bill supporters are not allowed.  If a point has already been made, do not repeat it.  As with a letter to the editor, short, concise points are best.  While reference to “cold, dead fingers” may be dramatic, this is NOT a drama.  Courtesy is a virtue!
Parking in and around the Capitol Campus is extremely limited.  Olympia parking enforcement makes a ton of money enforcing the one-hour limit in the residential areas just south of the Campus!  If the spaces on Campus or overflow parking lots to the east are taken, it’s best to park in the business area in the blocks to the north, using the parking meters.  Car-pooling is the way to go!
It is equally imperative that, whether you can attend the hearing or not, you contact your Senator, by e-mail (, direct telephone ( or Legislative Hotline (1-800-562-6000) to indicate your opposition to the bill.
A committee vote on the bill will likely be taken a few days later in executive session.  The Judiciary Committee has eight members, five Democrats and three Republicans (matching the proportion of Democrats to Republicans in the Senate).  The three Republicans and one Democrat lean our way.


2 thoughts on “Help stop the WA AWB

  1. Instead of Just One Question, how about my absolute favorite:
    “What problem is being solved?”

    They cannot have an answer for this. Banning long guns of any type cannot eliminate or even reduce HANDGUN violence.

    Their real reason to ban long guns, is either to make imbecile GFWs or politicians “feel” safer. The first reason is irrational and the second has the seeds of tyranny.

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