9 thoughts on “My daughter Dorothy

  1. Pretty cool. I could see reducing the contrast a bit, mostly at the bright end of the range.

  2. Dear Joe, They are beautiful girls. I’m in awe at the accomplishment of raising kids like you’ve done. My girls are 12 and 9 and the boy is 5. We’re always flipping back and forth from feeling overwhelmed and enjoying it knowing how fleeting time is.

    It’s good to see your picture too, having the name with the face.

    Congratulations on the weddings and wonderful family.

  3. I was going to ask if your kids all shoot, but I guess I have my answer. What about the Univ. of Idaho, where many of you attended and you’re holding the wedding tomorrow, can you carry on campus? How does it work there? Does your new son-in-law and his entire family share the enthusiasm for guns? Are there people of your acquaintance who don’t?

    All serious questions, please don’t take offense. By now you know I’m fascinated with guns almost as much as you (well not quite).

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