From James Kelly on the gun control debate (see here, here, here, here, here, here, and here):
The difference in this debate is that I have been arguing on the basis of what I believe to be true, and doing my best to explain why I believe it. Kevin, by way of contrast, claims to be able to literally ‘prove’ his case beyond any doubt whatsoever by recourse to detailed statistical data.
Kelly argues on the basis of his fantasy world. Kevin argues on the basis of real world data which of course cannot hope to have any effect upon Kelly’s imaginary world. And he admits it. There is no point in engaging him. Only reality itself will be able to connect with him when it bites him in the ass.
Thanks for the laugh, this guy is living in La La Land, for sure.
No, he lives in Scotland. He just believes he lives in La La Land.
“Only reality itself will be able to connect with him when it bites him in the ass.”
Hopefully sooner than later. And if he doesn’t live to tell the tale I for one won’t shed a tear. Call me a heartless bastard, but I am right sick and tired of these chickenshits and their fantasy world too.
Well, James has elevated the Reasoned Discourse™ to the next level.
I can’t say it was unexpected.
“Only reality itself will be able to connect with him when it bites him in the ass.”
Yes, with no one around able or willing to defend or rescue him. Too bad, so sad (not!).
*does a slow blink*
Well, you have to give him some credit… he was man enough to admit that he was arguing from an entirely emotional point of view, and did not give two shits about logic, reason, data, or statistics.
That kind of honesty is hard to come by, these days.
I admit to having read a couple more of the threads since commenting on “What did James say that pissed you off so much?” Several hours down the tubes.
It is all about Serfs with Stockholm syndrome.
Now now guys. All these whingy whiney liberals think the same way whether it is in the Scottish Socialist Paradise or in the USA.
It’s a quote I will treasure forever as yet again I shake my head in disbelief at how stupid we as a species really are.
I don’t know how you guys have the patience to debate this with these guys. There is a never ending stream of whingey whiney liberals none of whom can be bothered to read any previous discussions but believe their views will stand on their own.
I tip my hat to you.
But gender-identity-issues aside, can you actually BE a man if you admit to arguing from an entirely emotional point of view? It’s emotional-honesty of a sort that is all to common – like on Oprah, but it’s only a subset of “truthiness.”