A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
Edward Abbey
(1927 – 1989)
[Among other accomplishments, such as his books, Abbey inspired the formation and associated with the members of Earth First! I find it very interesting how the words of one set of extremists can match the words of their opposites.–Joe]
But they want to use government against mankind. Or are they an anarchical organization?
Hey, we share one thing! A love of old Desert Rat Ed.
Dominick Behan once wrote, “The love of ones country, is a terrible thing”.
In this I believe he is wrong; the love of ones STATE, or gvoernment is a truly terrible thing; justifying all evil.
I love my country. I hate, and fear, my government.
Anon, just because I quote someone and/or read their books doesn’t mean I have a love for them.