Laurel lives close by and recently had this to say about the Obama “transition plan” in regards to firearms:
Hey, at least you really can’t accuse me of unfoundedly predicting impending doom at this point, considering the arrogant bastard is openly flaunting his intention to wage war on my rights.
Fine. If Obama wants to see our rifles on a battlefield, we’ll give him a battlefield. Μολὼν λαβέ.
I’m done blogging for today. I have software for the battlefield to finish.
Well, this line has succeeded in breaking me out of lurk mode to post my first comment:
“I have software for the battlefield to finish”…
Any info you can share with those of us in the peanut gallery?
Thanks for breaking your silence and commenting!
I’ll announce it when it is ready to use. I think I should have something up and running by this weekend.