Via reader and blogger William I received this link regarding Cooper Firearms:
Dan Cooper, a proud member of the National Rifle Association, has backed Republicans for most of his life. He’s the chief executive of Cooper Arms, a small Montana company that makes hunting rifles.
Cooper said he voted for George W. Bush in 2000, having voted in past elections for every Republican presidential nominee back to Richard Nixon. In October 1992, he presented a specially made rifle to the first President. Bush during a Billings campaign event.
This year, Cooper has given $3,300 to the campaign of Democrat Barack Obama. That’s on top of the $1,000 check he wrote to Obama’s U.S. Senate campaign in 2004, after he was dazzled by Obama’s speech at that year’s Democratic National Convention.
Perhaps his hope is that Barack Crocodile Obama will eat him last.*
I know I won’t be doing any business with Cooper and I hope other gun owners don’t either.
Update: Sebastian has similar things to say.
Update2: Sebastian does the research on Cooper’s donations. To say Cooper is trying to put a spin on the story is being generous. He needs to be taught a lesson similar to the one learned by Smith & Wesson a few years ago.
Update3 (10/29/2008): It appears David may have the final word on this bit of ugliness. They apparently didn’t need the full lesson–just a reminder.
*Rewording the old saying, “An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile in the hopes they will be eaten last.”
Cooper Firearms posted this today:
Talk about wanting to play both sides of the street!
He supports Obama against Hillary PERSONALLY but that doesn’t reflect on his company?